Friday, October 27, 2006

Day One - Success!

I know it was only one day, but I did so well! It's one day at a time, right? And yesterday was a great start! I didn't like what I saw on the scale, but I will never see that number again. When it's all said and done and I am at my goal, I will be more inclined to share that number, but not now.

I made a WW cupcake recipe last night that is very easy and VERY yummy!

1 box cake mix - any kind! I used a Duncan Hines yellow mix
1 can pumpkin
1/2 cup water

Mix together and pour into muffin tin. Bake at 350 for 17-20 minutes.

These are 1 point each (don't know the calorie content...sorry!) and VERY tasty! All the fiber from the pumpkin is what makes it so WW-friendly. David and I each ate two last night. And no guilt! :) Next time I might experiment with a cinnamon cake mix. (But the yellow mix is very very good!)

Tonight we are grilling a lean meat and some veggies. You can bet I'll have a cupcake for dessert! I've brought healthy things to eat today to get me through in case I feel weak. (Yay for sugar free Jell-O, yogurt, and soy chips!)

A big shout-out to Angela who started back on the program last night! We're in this together!

And a very special thank you for my friends (both near and far!) who emailed their support yesterday. Please keep it really does help! :)

1 comment:

Kim said...

Yummy cupcakes!!! And I love how you throw in the comment about not knowing the calorie count. You know me so well :). I will have to make them soon.