Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A Humbling Experience

Yesterday was Community Day at work. During the afternoon I went with my team and worked at the North Texas Food Bank, and let me tell you that was no walk in the park. We lifted, packed and stacked boxes of food to go to families and senior citizens in need. We worked our butts of for about 3-4 hours and when we were done, we had packed and readied enough food to feed needy families for 2 weeks. My body is so sore today, but every time I feel an ache or pain, I am reminded of how fortunate I am. I have food, a home, and a steady income. I am a very blessed woman. But there are a lot of people who are not as fortunate as I am. I was moved when I heard that one of the programs that specifically assists senior citizens is in danger of losing it's funding from the federal government. What will those people do when there isn't that box of food coming in to their homes? It's scary. And the food bank needs more volunteers to help get boxes ready to go out. They are open one Saturday a month for volunteers that can't come during the week, so I think I am going to try and go in November. Anyone care to join? Email me and I'll get you the details.

I was worn out when I got home last night. I was in bed by about 8:30. I talked with Jen and with David, and then I called it a night. I am looking forward to Friday...I am taking the day off, along with Mia and Jen, and we're just going to have fun!

Everyone have a good rest of the day!


Jerilyn said...

I'll help you out any time you want!

Kim said...

I was just thinking how I needed to get out and do something. Fill me in on the details!