Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Take That, Scale!

After my devastating four-tenths of a pound gain (I know it sounds silly, but when you work this hard you want measurable results!), I had my trainer take my measurements. I've made good progress in all areas, so I am now officially convinced that my weight gain was muscle. :) So there, scale! Ha!

Other than that, no big news. Oh, except that my very first bridal shower is this Sunday! I can't wait! (and I get married in 133 days - eek!) I am trying not to peek at the registry to see what people have bought for's hard not to do that!

I still have plenty to do for the wedding. Next month, I am working on invitations and programs. I need to get the table cards finished before the end of this month for sure. I think I am going to work on that this Friday night.

We're almost unpacked from the move. It's nice to have a bigger place, and it does feel like home. We have an upstairs neighbor with cement feet, though. I keep thinking I will go up there and apologize for making so much noise. When they look surprised and say they don't hear us, I will say something like "oh must be you then!" I probably won't do that, but it's fun to fantasize!

So that really is it for today. David is feeling a little better, but is still getting over his upper respiratory infection. Poor guy! He has to travel again tomorrow. But he'll be home on Saturday night! :)

Have a good Wednesday!

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