Monday, January 24, 2011

A Lot on My Plate classes are going to be tough this semester. But I am most looking forward to starting my Hospice training tomorrow night. I think it's a good start for me since I will be getting my masters in counseling. I'm a little nervous, but I'm not afraid. David has expressed concern about how I will handle it emotionally, but I think I'll be okay. There is something about knowing that your job is purely to be there for someone and to help them and their family deal with end of life issues. I was there when both of my grandmothers passed away, and death isn't frightening to me. It's part of life, and since it's going to happen, I want to be there to help make it peaceful for others.

On a different note, I discovered that we're going to owe the IRS this year. UGH! I'm not happy about this, but I should have seen it coming since we took money from my 401K to put the down payment on the house. Oh happens. Next year will be much better!

That's about it for me. I've got a Skype date with Chris...she and I are talking about recipes so I don't want to miss it!

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