Friday, October 29, 2010

Nothing Like Feeling Less Than A Person

I don't know if many of you have read the recent blog post on the Marie Claire magazine website. There is a good chance you've heard about it. The blogger wrote a whole post about how disgusted she is by overweight people. I'm not linking to the article here because I don't care to ...just take my word, it's a mean article. It's great to find out that my mere presence in a room physically disgusts people, simply based upon the fact that I am not a size 4. Did I let this ONE PERSON bring me to tears? Yes I did. It hurts. It's painful enough to deal with being overweight, and it doesn't help to be reminded by outsiders who are unable to see a person for who they are. While I know she wasn't writing it about me specifically, I'm part of the population who is set in her target. And while I celebrate free speech and believe we are all entitled to an opinion, when is it okay to just flat out be so blatantly ugly to other humans?

I won't give her the satisfaction of saying how I'll show her and get the weight off. I'm already doing that on my own, she didn't light that fire. But she did open my eyes to the fact that size-ism is the last acceptable prejudice allowed. I'm losing weight because I want to do it for me. I agree that obesity is an epidemic, and it's unhealthy. I'm not arguing that point at all. But some people are completely happy at a larger size. I am all about loving ourselves for who we are, and no one has the right to take that away from us. This particular blogger must not love herself very much to be able to thoughtlessly spew that kind of venom out on her fellow man. So perhaps instead of being angry at her or being hurt by her words, I need to take a different avenue and pray for her. Maybe I need to show the compassion she wasn't able to show. If I don't, I am no better than she is.

So my point is this: Whenever we run across people who have no filter and feel free to say hateful things to others, no matter what it is, we need to show what love and forgiveness look like. Let's be the change we want to see. I'm tired of living in a mean world where people take others for granted and forget that people have feelings. Have I shed tears over this article? You bet I have. But I refuse to hate her. I'm angry about her words, but I am going to breathe deep and let go. And put good and healing thoughts out into the universe for that author. Because at the end of the day, if I carry a grudge I am only hurting myself.

And this girl is all about trying to enjoy her inner happiness. :)


Kim said...

I completely agree that sizeism is the final acceptable prejudice. I encounter it frequently. Sometimes it bothers me and sometimes it doesn't... lately I've been a little on the sensitive side.

Jennifer said...

It's hard not to be hurt by that. I know I was...and probably still am just a bit. I'm trying to let it go. It's hard to do. But she is apparently no happier at her size than I've been at mine. The difference is that I don't hate everybody because of it.