Tuesday, October 12, 2010


No, I didn't fall off the planet. I have just been swamped! Between work, school, and house, I don't have a lot of extra time. I am midway through the semester, and classes are good! I have all A's right now, so I am pleased. I am in the running for Psi Chi, which is the psychology honor society. If I'm not eligible this semester, I absolutely will be next. So I am happy! My official graduation date will be May of 2012, and I can't wait! I have all my courses planned out from now until graduation, and I am VERY excited that I do not have to go to summer school next year!! A whole summer off...my first one in a while, and my last one in a while, too. Grad school is year round, so for another 2.5 years after I graduate I will be a year round student, but at least I'll be working on my Master's Degree and then I get to pursue what I want to do...counseling!!!

The Woman's Day Slimdown challenge is going well. I wish I was losing weight faster, but I'm doing the best I can. At least I'm losing weight, right?

I have been going nuts working on the house. We have a gathering coming up soon, and I want the house to look great! We've been painting, hanging curtains and pictures, and cleaning. We still need a little more furniture, but that is just going to have to wait a little longer. (And I need that money tree to start growing!) But I am loving the house. I had something closely resembling an anxiety attack the day I paid our first house payment, coupled with the new and increased electric bill, cable bill...etc...not that we can't afford it, it's just more money than I am used to seeing flying out the window. But it's all good! We're going to have our credit cards paid off very soon, and that will put us in a VERY good spot, so I am very pleased. We have been using that Home Depot card, and now I'm ready to put it away!

So that's about it. I hope all is well for you all! We're gearing up for our big trip to Europe in December, so look out Europe! Here come the Willises!

1 comment:

Kim said...

I am so happy for you! I want to see pics of the house! And I have to say that I admire you so much for pursuing your dream so bravely. I envy you =-) Glad it's going well!