Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's My Friday!

I am taking tomorrow off from work, and I am really happy about that! David and I are having lunch with my mom and then going to buy my books at the bookstore - I start school again on Monday! I've been ready to get back in the swing of things. Mostly I am ready to move toward having my degree finished. I'll be glad to get away from corporate America when the time is right. I'm working on my degree in psychology and a masters in social work so that I will hopefully be able to actually help someone someday. It's the thing I am called to do...I honestly believe that.

Tonight my friend Anne is coming for dinner and some Wii time. We still love the Wii! I swear it's the best investment we've made in a while! :)

So that's about it for today. Everyone have a great evening!

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