Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Christmas Season Begins

We spent our day yesterday putting up our tree and getting into the Christmas season. We had a great day, and we made beer-cheese fondue and drank yummy wine. David made chicken for dinner and Mom came over and hung out since Dad was at a football game. It was a great evening, and I am feeling so relaxed. However, that ends now as I am getting ready for one more test and then two final exams. When those are done I am going to be SOOOO ready for our cruise!! We set sail two weeks from today and I am going to be really ready for that. We're leaving the 13th to head down there and get the party started. It's going to be interesting to see what Galveston looks like these days. I'll take lots of pictures.

But that's it for now. I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving!

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