Thursday, August 07, 2008

A Whole new Kind of Pain

So what could possibly be so painful that I couldn't go to work today? It must this raging UTI that I have. Seriously, this could be one of the most painful things ever. I've never had one before, and WOW! This sucks like nothing I have ever know. The good news is that I am on a antibiotic now, but It can take a day or so for it to kick in. I mostly rested today. It's crazy how this stuff wears you out. I hate it. But it will be gone soon enough...I am drowning it with water and cranberry juice to help.

So that's the big thing in my world right now. David comes home Saturday night, so I am happy about that.

I am going to bed now. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday!


Kim said...

Oh honey, I feel your pain. Feel better soon. They are no fun but luckily the antibiotics kick in quickly, and you should feel better hopefully super soon. HUGS!!!

CarmenSinCity said...

UGH - you poor thing. I feel so bad for you. I hope you get better soon.