Thursday, February 01, 2007


I lost a pound. Just one, but it's significant in that it means I am on the right track. I thought a lot today about ways to keep myself motivated and inspired. I also wondered why this is such a struggle...a wedding dress isn't enough? The fact that I lost 78 pounds in 2005 (and managed to gain a big chunk back) doesn't motivate me? I wondered if there was a book out there that might speak to me. So I went to How does one weed through all that mess? I don't need some author to tell me HOW to do it...I already know how. I need something that sparks me, really speaks to me. The Rice Diet was not it. I don't even know what a rice diet would be like except that maybe you eat a lot of rice?

I thought back to when I began blogging almost two years ago. I was on the right path, getting ready for a trip to Paris, and caring for my Gran. My Gran. She embodies so many of the very qualities I admire in my mother, and the qualities I hope to find in myself. And then I thought Dad, who has always been there when I had a broken heart or a skinned knee. When I was about to move home from Seattle and had no money and didn't know what to do, my Dad flew up to help me come home. And seeing him coming toward me in the airport terminal was one of the greatest moments of my life because my Dad was there and I knew he would make everything okay. That's what he does. He supports me in every way possible, and there are things we've talked about that were difficult and he never judged. He listened and hugged me. I hope to be like that, too. So where can I draw inspiration? From my Dad, who never gives up on me.

Where else can I find inspiration? I have amazing friends. Kim, Mia, Angela, Christy, Jennifer, Joseph...the list goes on and on. (If you don't see your name, it's because I can't begin to name everyone who inspires and encourages me! Don't think you weren't thought of while I was writing this!) Everyone in my life seems to always find a way to cheer me on when it's tough. For this, I am so grateful. And David...who loves me just as I am, but encourages me to be the very best me I can. Which doesn't always have anything to do with weight, but everything to do with being a good person.

So after an evening of thought, I found my inspiration to keep on working hard. I found it in myself, but it's there because all of you believe in me and believe I can do this.

Thank you. What else can I say? You all mean the world to me.

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