Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Time Change, How I Hate Thee

Man, this is the time change that just sucks the life out of me. It's so hard to get going in the morning, and I feel like I am just dragging all day long. I manage to get up early because I worry about oversleeping, but once I am at my desk at work, I feel like a zombie. I see that I am not the only one feeling this way...there are other zombies in the hallway, and we just sort of grunt our good mornings to one another. Maybe we'll all be fairly functional by spring.

I had a really nice weekend. I even worked out! David and I spent the weekend going to the gym and going to look at plants for our patio. We know for sure we're getting a lime tree and a dwarf peach tree. Both are good for our patio and will bear fruit - YUM! We also spent time looking at washers and dryers. We found what we want so we're just waiting for my bonus next month. I can't wait to own a washer and dryer that no one else has ever owned! Wow...I guess I really am grown up now! (We even own a Dyson vacuum, and I love that thing!)

On the 29th of this month we will be married 6 months. I can't believe it! I would love to go back and enjoy that day just one more time! It was so wonderful! We laugh now that David forgot me at the church after catching a ride with one of his groomsmen to the reception. Not so funny at the time, but definitely a riot now! (My parents were still there, but we were the only three people left at the church!) I lost my special wedding shoes, which actually turned up at church a month or so ago. Lots of funny stories, and one really amazing wedding day. :) We're waiting for the pictures we ordered to come in, and I will post some here. And if anyone who reads this has any pics from our wedding that you haven't shared, I would LOVE to see them! It's still fun to relive that day in my mind.

So that's it for now. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

1 comment:

Blonde said...

I can't wait to see the wedding pics!!!!

Glad you found the shoes...