I think it's been forever since I posted anything. It's been uneventful, so I decided to take a little break before the new year begins.
We had a very nice Christmas. Would have been even nice if the Cowboys had won, but we don't need to go there. I got to have Christmas Eve brunch with Kim and Mia...that was really nice. Hopefully it will become an annual tradition for us.
I feel really tired. I'm finally getting over my allergies, but I'm still sniffly and quite frankly, I feel worn out. Every day has had some sort of running around and I would like very much to just get to go home and veg. I got another season of Friends for Christmas, and I would really like to go home and get in bed and watch some episodes. Maybe I can do that tonight. Nah...the apartment is a mess and it's driving me nuts. I started to clean last night but it was getting late and I was tired. I think part of my problem might be that I need to get better about taking a vitamin.
So really there isn't any news. No WW meeting this week, so I am going to be very very good and be ready for next week's meeting.
Everyone have a good day!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Merry Christmas Eve!
Hope everyone is well! Just a very quick note to say hello, as we are off to have Christmas #1 with David's Family.
I hope everyone has a very special and wonderful Christmas!
Much love,
I hope everyone has a very special and wonderful Christmas!
Much love,
Friday, December 22, 2006
Angry, Angry Girl
Have you ever been so disappointed or angry that you just felt black inside? Some of you may have read my post yesterday (before I deleted it) about how excited I was to be getting transferred to a new position. Well, I called HR yesterday afternoon (they didn't call me, mind you...I had to call them.) to get the new details about when I could start (because I am hating-and when I say hating, I really really mean that-my current job), only to find that no one bothered to check my pay scale, and I make more money than the top end of the new position will allow. So no new job for Jennifer. I went all the way through the interview process - 2 interviews and a team lunch with the potential new team members. I felt like I had been kicked in the gut. I had to get away from my desk for a while. It was all I could do not to cry because I was so upset. I feel absolutely stuck in a job I can't stand. I am 100% vested in mid-March, so after that I may begin looking for something else. I'm trying to just get through until after the wedding. How do you not remember to do your basic job functions when you get a new candidate for a position? How do you not check to make sure that the salary range is a fit? How does this get missed? I'm a good employee. I work hard and lots of people choose to come to me when they run into an issue because they know I can help. But the one time I made a mistake a few weeks back, I got hung out to dry for it. This chick will skate on through with barely an "oops...sorry" and no one will say anything to her. Why? Because I can't make waves in the event something else ever opens up internally, I don't want to be known as "that girl". So I have to suck it up and just be okay with it. I'm not okay with it. I'm really not. I'm pissed off to an infinite degree. I know most of you will porbably tell me to quit whining and move on, and I will...eventually. But today I get to be pissed. Really, really pissed. And infinitely disappointed. I even find myself wondering if this is the karma I created. I work at the Food Bank, I collect food for needy people, I raise money for breast cancer, I try to be the best friend I know how to be and somehow the universe rips the rug out from under me. I really don't understand.
Don't worry. This is the only post dedicated to my whining. I'm done now.
I doubt I will have a chance to blog again for a few days. It's going to be busy. I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas, a happy Hannukah, and a safe and blessed new year. Next year is going to be a busy year with wonderful things to come. I'm getting married to a really amazing guy. I guess when I take a step back and look, my life is really good, and I am very thankful for all of my family and friends. Thanks to all of you who come by my little corner of the online world and take the time to see what I am up to.
Merry Christmas to everyone!
Don't worry. This is the only post dedicated to my whining. I'm done now.
I doubt I will have a chance to blog again for a few days. It's going to be busy. I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas, a happy Hannukah, and a safe and blessed new year. Next year is going to be a busy year with wonderful things to come. I'm getting married to a really amazing guy. I guess when I take a step back and look, my life is really good, and I am very thankful for all of my family and friends. Thanks to all of you who come by my little corner of the online world and take the time to see what I am up to.
Merry Christmas to everyone!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
My New Obsession
I don't know why I am so obsessed with Ugg boots now, but I really am! I think it comes from seeing all the women in NYC wearing them with jeans and they looked so great! Now I really want a pair! (Why now, when it's close to the end of the season and the stores are limited with styles and sizes??) I love these so much!!

David knows the Uggs rep, so we're going to work on getting me a pair for fall next year. These look so awesome with the top off the boots folded down so you can see the shearling! But of course, he says Born is coming out with some great stuff in the fall, so I may sport the Born boots instead. We'll see! :)
I am still feeling pretty crummy. My allergies aren't giving me a break at all. I even went to bed before 9pm last night. I just hope I'm over this by Christmas! Is there anything worse than feeling like crap for Christmas?
I don't have any other news. I hope everyone is doing well! Have a good Wednesday!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Allergies Are No Fun
Yes, I am battling some major allergies. Runny nose, sneezing...lots of fun! But I am better, so I should be happy. :) However, the allergy medicine makes me feel rather spacey. Thankfully, it's a slow week here at work.
Not a whole lot of news, except that my cousin, Jen, is having a little day procedure this morning, so I am sending her good thoughts. I know she will be just fine. She was going to host Christmas, but with her thing today, we agreed that it's going to be a little too much for her, so we're going to do Christmas at Mom and Dad's house. I told Mom I would come help get things ready, and she's happy to get to pull out her Christmas china and use it this year. :) It's very pretty china...I'm glad she gets to use it, too.
Tonight, mom and I are going to finish up some shopping. We have to buy for our men! Also, we're going to be picking up ribbon and package toppers, as I have run out and need to put the finishing touches on the gifts from David and me. It's going to be a busy evening, but a good one. So that's it for now. (Told you there wasn't much news!)
Everyone have a great Tuesday!
Not a whole lot of news, except that my cousin, Jen, is having a little day procedure this morning, so I am sending her good thoughts. I know she will be just fine. She was going to host Christmas, but with her thing today, we agreed that it's going to be a little too much for her, so we're going to do Christmas at Mom and Dad's house. I told Mom I would come help get things ready, and she's happy to get to pull out her Christmas china and use it this year. :) It's very pretty china...I'm glad she gets to use it, too.
Tonight, mom and I are going to finish up some shopping. We have to buy for our men! Also, we're going to be picking up ribbon and package toppers, as I have run out and need to put the finishing touches on the gifts from David and me. It's going to be a busy evening, but a good one. So that's it for now. (Told you there wasn't much news!)
Everyone have a great Tuesday!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Finally I Have Time to Post!
So it has been a really busy week and now they changed our security at work and I can't post from work any more. It's been ahrd to find time in the evenings, but I have a few minutes so I am here to update.
NYC was great! It was a packed two days and I was so sore from all the walking. We saw the Statue of Liberty, Groud Zero, Rockefeller Plaza, Times Square, went to mass at St. Patricks Cathedral, and did a LOT of walking. It wasn't too cold, and we had a really fun time.
We pretty much finished up our Christmas shopping today. I just need to get some ribbon and a few little things and we're done. However, David and I are feeling crummy (sinus congestion) and we have spent the evening laying around. We went and got soup at Jason's Deli, and it tasted good. David is off work for the next three weeks, so at least he can relax. Some of us still have to work!
Friday was Girl's Day, and we had a really good time. Mia, Kim and I had lunch in Southlake and wandered around and had a blast. Jen and Angela couldn't make it, but hopefully next time! We're shooting for February, so with some advanced planning maybe all the ladies can make it!
There is so much we need to do and not enough time. I finally got my Christmas cards ready to send and David will take them to the post office tomorrow. We need to clean and finish the packages, and I think David is smoking the pork for Christmas, so we need to get that bought and prepped. Jen and Craig are hostessing Christmas, but I am worried it might be too much, as she is having a little outpatient surgery on Tuesday. I'll be checking on her, as I don't want her to feel pressured to do too much. She is a great hostess and I want her to just recover and not feel the holiday stress.
So that's it for now. The year is starting to wind to a close and I am reflecting on how much my life has changed this year. Every time I move to a new apartment, I always wonder to myself, "what will happen in my life while I live here?" Since I moved last year, I have gotten engaged to the absolute love of my life. That's so amazing to me. (286 days by the way!) So many good things have happened, and through the journey I have been surrounded by the best friends I could hope for. I've been a very blessed girl, and I don't take that for granted. So for my friends I am so very grateful. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!
NYC was great! It was a packed two days and I was so sore from all the walking. We saw the Statue of Liberty, Groud Zero, Rockefeller Plaza, Times Square, went to mass at St. Patricks Cathedral, and did a LOT of walking. It wasn't too cold, and we had a really fun time.
We pretty much finished up our Christmas shopping today. I just need to get some ribbon and a few little things and we're done. However, David and I are feeling crummy (sinus congestion) and we have spent the evening laying around. We went and got soup at Jason's Deli, and it tasted good. David is off work for the next three weeks, so at least he can relax. Some of us still have to work!
Friday was Girl's Day, and we had a really good time. Mia, Kim and I had lunch in Southlake and wandered around and had a blast. Jen and Angela couldn't make it, but hopefully next time! We're shooting for February, so with some advanced planning maybe all the ladies can make it!
There is so much we need to do and not enough time. I finally got my Christmas cards ready to send and David will take them to the post office tomorrow. We need to clean and finish the packages, and I think David is smoking the pork for Christmas, so we need to get that bought and prepped. Jen and Craig are hostessing Christmas, but I am worried it might be too much, as she is having a little outpatient surgery on Tuesday. I'll be checking on her, as I don't want her to feel pressured to do too much. She is a great hostess and I want her to just recover and not feel the holiday stress.
So that's it for now. The year is starting to wind to a close and I am reflecting on how much my life has changed this year. Every time I move to a new apartment, I always wonder to myself, "what will happen in my life while I live here?" Since I moved last year, I have gotten engaged to the absolute love of my life. That's so amazing to me. (286 days by the way!) So many good things have happened, and through the journey I have been surrounded by the best friends I could hope for. I've been a very blessed girl, and I don't take that for granted. So for my friends I am so very grateful. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
The Things You Hear on the Streets of New York...
"Crackers are just crackers!" - random black man dressed in cammo pants and flak jacket outside Toys R Us in Times Square
"You don't want a black man. They'll beat you." - overheard on the subway
"Fuggetaboutit!" - total mob-looking guy to big haired, gum smacking girl
Yes, we're back and it was a wild trip! We had a blast and I promise to get pics posted ASAP. We saw a lot, but we just ran out of time to see everything. I'll do a better job posting tomorrow, but for now I am taking my very tired, very sore and achy body to bed. It's been a long day!
Travel is great, but it's good to be home!
"You don't want a black man. They'll beat you." - overheard on the subway
"Fuggetaboutit!" - total mob-looking guy to big haired, gum smacking girl
Yes, we're back and it was a wild trip! We had a blast and I promise to get pics posted ASAP. We saw a lot, but we just ran out of time to see everything. I'll do a better job posting tomorrow, but for now I am taking my very tired, very sore and achy body to bed. It's been a long day!
Travel is great, but it's good to be home!
Friday, December 08, 2006
New York State of Mind
Less than 24 hours now, and I'm on my way to NYC! David called last night to say he was very cold standing outside talking to me on his cell (they were at a bar and it was too noisy for him to hear inside). Now I am worried that it will be colder than I have ever experienced...I forsee a lot of coffee on this trip!
Tonight is Bridesmaids Cocktail Party night! I bought stuff to make yummy snacks and after work I am picking up a bottle of vodka and some cranberry juice for drinks tonight. (The cranberry juice is for poinsettias - champagne and cranberry juice) I bought cute paper plates and napkins, some fun little party favors, and a new sweater for me. (I can't help myself...I'm a shopaholic.) I am looking forward to having the girls over. I am in much need of girl time!
So between that and packing, I have a very busy afternoon. I had one more hour of untaken time off, so I am leaving the office at 3pm today to get stuff done.
So if I don't get a chance to blog in NYC, I will certainly post when I get home! However, David has his laptop and I think we will have access to a wireless connection, so I will blog if I can.
Have a wonderful weekend and I will post again on Wednesday, if not sooner!!
Tonight is Bridesmaids Cocktail Party night! I bought stuff to make yummy snacks and after work I am picking up a bottle of vodka and some cranberry juice for drinks tonight. (The cranberry juice is for poinsettias - champagne and cranberry juice) I bought cute paper plates and napkins, some fun little party favors, and a new sweater for me. (I can't help myself...I'm a shopaholic.) I am looking forward to having the girls over. I am in much need of girl time!
So between that and packing, I have a very busy afternoon. I had one more hour of untaken time off, so I am leaving the office at 3pm today to get stuff done.
So if I don't get a chance to blog in NYC, I will certainly post when I get home! However, David has his laptop and I think we will have access to a wireless connection, so I will blog if I can.
Have a wonderful weekend and I will post again on Wednesday, if not sooner!!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
No Weigh!!!
Although I am going to my WW meeting today, I am not going to step on the scale. It's been a very challenging few weeks with no meetings (holidays, inclement weather) and I know the news isn't good. So rather than beating myself up, I am going to the meeting to get re-energized and refocused. I am also working out this afternoon, and I have already made a good breakfast choice today, so I am on the right foot this morning. I feel like this is a good decision for me. Next week I will have to get on the scale (can't pass on weighing in two weeks in a row!) so I'll be better prepared next week. I'm proud of my resolve to get back on track, and I refuse to give up. :)
I leave for NY in less than 48 hours now! It was fun to think that when I kissed David goodbye this morning that the next time I see him is when we met up in Manhattan!! How fun! (By the way, David called to tell me he is sitting with Herb Kelleher on his flight! Southwest messed up both David and Herb's ticketing so they are both on a later flight than expected! Apparently ticketing problems don't just happen to the little guys!)
Tomorrow night I am having a bridal party cocktail gathering. I have bought the goods to make Cosmopolitans, Apple Martinis, and Pomegranite martinis, as well as a few bottles of wine. I am making snacks, and everyone is bringing a snack as well, so we'll eat, drink, and be merry!
That's it for now. I hope everyone has a great Thursday!
I leave for NY in less than 48 hours now! It was fun to think that when I kissed David goodbye this morning that the next time I see him is when we met up in Manhattan!! How fun! (By the way, David called to tell me he is sitting with Herb Kelleher on his flight! Southwest messed up both David and Herb's ticketing so they are both on a later flight than expected! Apparently ticketing problems don't just happen to the little guys!)
Tomorrow night I am having a bridal party cocktail gathering. I have bought the goods to make Cosmopolitans, Apple Martinis, and Pomegranite martinis, as well as a few bottles of wine. I am making snacks, and everyone is bringing a snack as well, so we'll eat, drink, and be merry!
That's it for now. I hope everyone has a great Thursday!
Monday, December 04, 2006
...And Found
Yes, my purse is safe. I am an idiot. Apparently when I got home Saturday, I put my purse on the back of the chair and then put my jacket over it, so I totally missed my purse. I was so upset all evening! I couldn't think of a worse week for losing my purse, being that I am flying on Saturday. At least I have a passport in case of emergency, but it's all good now. And I am going to take as little as possible to NY with me just in case I get pickpocketed! (Hey, Dima lost his wallet there, but some kind soul found it and returned it to him with all the contents in tact!)
So I am focused on my trip. I am having a very small bridesmaid cocktail party Friday night (boo...Jen can't come!) and I am looking forward to that. I need to find some yummy (but healthy!) treats to make.
It's going to be a busy week. David leaves Thursday, and then I join him Saturday. I can't wait! That's it for now. Have a great Monday everyone!
So I am focused on my trip. I am having a very small bridesmaid cocktail party Friday night (boo...Jen can't come!) and I am looking forward to that. I need to find some yummy (but healthy!) treats to make.
It's going to be a busy week. David leaves Thursday, and then I join him Saturday. I can't wait! That's it for now. Have a great Monday everyone!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
I'm stressing because I am without my purse right now. I paid for dinner last night and then we came home, so I am pretty sure it's at the restaurant. Sadly, we ate at an Asian place last night and they are closed on Sundays, so I won't know for sure until tomorrow. There aren't any charges on my bank account, so I think I'm ok. I am glad I have a passport since I am flying next Saturday on the off chance that I don't get my purse back. I have 3 of my favorite MAC glosses in there, too. Damn.
It's been a VERY busy weekend, but we finally got registered. We spent Saturday getting that done, which took way longer than I thought it would. But I am happy...it's done! However, if you check the Dillard's registry, please don't pass out when you see the cost of some of the things we registered for. It is a wish list, after all! (And we registered at Target, too!)
So we made it through a busy weekend and we're on the countdown to the NY trip! I can't wait!
Hope everyone had a good weekend!
It's been a VERY busy weekend, but we finally got registered. We spent Saturday getting that done, which took way longer than I thought it would. But I am happy...it's done! However, if you check the Dillard's registry, please don't pass out when you see the cost of some of the things we registered for. It is a wish list, after all! (And we registered at Target, too!)
So we made it through a busy weekend and we're on the countdown to the NY trip! I can't wait!
Hope everyone had a good weekend!
Friday, December 01, 2006
Brrr! It's Cold!
It was nice to stay home yesterday...my office was closed so David and I trekked out to IHOP for breakfast, went to the grocery store, Blockbuster, and home! We had fun bundling up and going out on the patio to watch the snow fall. We napped, watched tv, and David even grilled ribs last night! It was a great day! I was really hoping that we'd have a delayed opening this morning, but no such luck. But at least it's Friday! But we did get to make a snowman yesterday. He was small enough to sit on the rail of the balcony.

And here we are, bundled up for our self-portrait:

Tonight, David and I are planning to go to the movies. And tomorrow, we're going to finish getting registered. Yay! Over the next couple of weeks we're going to finish collecting addresses so we can send out our Save The Date cards to our wedding guests.
David leaves for NY next Thursday, and then I will be meeting him out there a week from Saturday! We're looking forward to our trip, even though it's going to be pretty short. It should be a blast!
So that's it for today. Everyone stay warm..it's pretty cold out there this morning!
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