Thursday, March 05, 2009


That's me in a word. Happy. :) Things are going well with school, and at home. (Work isn't my favorite so we'll skip that topic, although we found out today that we'll be getting our annual bonus next month and it's going to be a good one!) I am really proud of how school is going, and I am on track to be on the Dean's List again for this semester. I just really need to keep up the hard work. I made an 88 on my Intro to Counseling test and a 93 on my Human Sexuality test, so I am doing well. I have another Intro to Counseling test on Monday, and I should do well on it, too. Although I will be spending a LOT of time getting ready for it. I would love to make an A on this test, so I am going to work hard to make that happen.

Back in January I talked about my three areas of focus for this year. Here's the status so far:
  • Finances - We are SO on track to be debt free by June! We've paid off several credit cards and are building up our savings account so we're very proud!
  • School - I think you all know by the beginning of this post that school is going great! :)
  • Fitness - This is the area that has had no progress. But I am NOT giving up, so don't think for a moment I have. I am going to go to a WW meeting this evening to get myself back on track. However, I don't plan on making a big deal of it. It's time to just get off my rear and do it, so tonight I will. Tonight will be the start of getting that last part of my "2009 Focuses" underway. I am actually looking forward to it!

So there's the update. At least I am honest, right? But I am not discouraged or frustrated with myself. I just know what I need to do and it's time to do it. And it's all good. :)

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