Friday, July 03, 2009

41 Is The Magic Number!

I've lost 41 pounds now!! Holy cow!! I am so excited, and I sure feel good about that! It's been a lot of hard work and sweat at the gym, but there have been so many personal triumphs along the way that make it all worthwhile. For the first time ever, I worked out (twice) on vacation, I have completed a 5K in under an hour, and I have been able to do more than I ever have at the gym. And besides, I eat much healthier and feel so much better! I am so grateful for all the love and support I am getting, even from people I don't know. :) It sure makes it easier when you know you have a group of people in your life to cheer you on!

Things are good. I am between semesters at school but it starts right back up on Monday. It's not a bad deal to get 8 hours of classes out of the way in 10 weeks!

Everyone have a safe and fun holiday weekend!

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