Thursday, May 13, 2010

Time To Breathe!

Now that I have time to breathe, I am happy to really focus on getting healthy. That's my main weight loss be healthy. Now, I'd be a liar if I told you that smaller sizes didn't matter, because I want to shop in "regular" stores. I also want to feel prettier, but honest-to-God, my main focus is on my health. Today I feel like something good has taken over in my head. It's that old, very focused me who plans ahead and sticks with that plan. Like tonight...I already know we're grilling dinner, and I know I am bringing my lunch to work tomorrow. Mom and I are going to do some menu planning together on Saturday, and that way I know what the plan is and I can stick with it much easier. All of this spells out good things for me, and I really want to stick to it.

I worked out with my trainer this morning, and I had a great session. I am able to push myself to do more and I feel so much stronger already! I really have to get the walking into place because August 1st will be here soon, and I want very badly to cross that finish line. I want to look back at those 13.1 miles and know I did it all. I can do this, but I have a lot of preparing ahead of me.

So I am having a good day. I feel good and I can see a bright future for myself. You know I love to envision? Me, graduating from TWU next year...walking across that stage in a cap and gown, but being much smaller than I am now. I love that mental picture, and I want to make it my reality. Because my reward for all that? I'm buying some killer shoes to walk that stage in!! :)

1 comment:

Kim said...

What a great post! I love days where I feel like anything is possible =-) You are kick those 13 miles in the tush!