Friday, April 08, 2005

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday everyone! I'm ready for the weekend! I'm walking in a 5K tomorrow benefitting victims of violence, but benefitting my waistline too! (Is that selfish of me?) I've been walking a lot to prepare myself, but it's only about 3 miles so it should be fine. I'll let you know how it goes! If mom comes with me I'll have her take some pictures that I can post.
I'm taking it easy tonight...going to walk and then take a hot shower. You see, I managed to pull a muscle in my arm last night while doing some stomach know the ones where you sit up and touch your hand to the opposite knee? Yeah, I think that's when I did it and it is VERY sore today! I need a massage badly!

That's my news for today. I'll post on Sunday and let you know about the 5K and my weigh in. Wish me luck!!

Have a great day everyone! Thanks again for all your support!

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