Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Happy Birthday Christy!
Happy birthday, girl!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
After the Target trip, we worked around the apartment and then got ready to go to Christy and Rich's combined birthday party. We had a great time (food catered by Cool River - YUM!) and it was good to just get to go hand with my Matron of Honor! My shower is two weeks away, and I can't wait! My wonderful bridesmaids have put a lot of time and money into making this special, and I am very grateful! :)
Sunday was good...we got up and went to breakfast and then came on home so David could start getting ready. He left for Vegas this afternoon (after some long weather delays!). I went to Fry's to find a memory stick for the new camera, and then ran to Wendy's to pick up some wedding stuff we've been working on. I didn't have a watch on and my afternoon got very derailed, as I visited with Wendy for much longer than I anticipated, so I was a very bad daughter and missed time with my mom working on wedding stuff. We've rescheduled for Tuesday, and I'm okay with that. I spent the evening trying to relax. I've been really stressed with wedding stuff and needed some time to unwind quietly.
I hope everyone had a good weekend!!
Friday, July 27, 2007
A Good Weekend Ahead
We took my wedding dress to Wendy's last night to start the alterations. I got to put it on again, and I just love that dress so much! I hope I feel like a princess on my wedding day. :) Everyone has been so generous with their time and efforts into making this wedding something special. I think we may have a bigger turnout than we expected, but it's going to be wonderful!
64 days until I get married!!!
Holy cow! It's coming up quick! David is home right now putting the postage on the response envelopes. We're going to tuck them into the invitations, and as soon as our gold seals arrive in the mail, we'll seal the invitations and mail them. (So the invites will probably go out right before I leave next Thursday for Vegas!)
Exciting stuff! I hope everyone has a great Friday! And Happy Birthday, Rich! See you at your party tomorrow! :)
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
I Officially Know It All
It was a busy weekend. My soon to be neice, Morgan (aka Mo-Mo) turned two, and we celebrated with a birthday gift and some homemade cupcakes. :) It was fun!
I "helped" Kim move some stuff on Sunday. I think I was more of a distraction. We moved some stuff from her old place, and then we went to the mall. Yeah, I'm a helper! After the mall, we went to the 7-11 that has been temporarily turned into a Kwik-E-Mart in honor of the Simpsons movie coming out. It was pretty cool, but WAY too crowded. We wandered around the store as much as we could and then left because there were just too many people. But now we can say we've been to the Kwik-E-Mart. :)
David has been with his colleagues who are in town, and I have been invited to join them for dinner. This is exciting! I've not gotten to go to one of his corporate dinners with his whole team like this, so I am looking forward to it! Grampa and the parents are coming for dinner tomorrow, and then Thursday begins the dress alterations! :) Once that is done I need to decide where to do my bridal portraits. Tonya, the coolest photographer ever, is helping with this. :)
So that's about it. I head to Vegas a week from Thursday. David is in a meeting up there, so I am flying up on a free ticket on Southwest and we're staying up there compliments of his company! :) Yay! So it's a VERY cheap trip for us. I'm looking forward to the getaway!
Have a good Tuesday everyone!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Friday, You've Been A Long Time Coming!
I'm having one of those days where I am having hair issues, I don't like what I wore to work today, and I am tired. I'm not in a bad mood, just ready to go home. David and I have a nice evening planned, and I am looking forward to it. We're going to a yummy pizza place for dinner and then coming home to enjoy a Netflix selection. We have a busy day tomorrow, and hopefully it won't be rainy.
I don't much to say today. Kim is busy moving to a new and bigger apartment, so without her emails it has been quiet. Mia and Kevin and I had lunch, and that was nice. :)
Everyone have a great weekend!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Panic Mode
I know it will be okay, but this really rattled me. You'd be rattled, too, if it was your reception. It's so important to me that my guests have a wonderful time and enjoy themselves, and I just want it all to run seamlessly.
71 days until the wedding. Holy cow!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Life is Good!
We met with our wedding DJ last night, and I just love her! We got the reception music planned, and we are going to have the time of our lives!! (Anyone coming better get your booties on the dance floor!) David and I are getting ready to sign up for dance lessons so we can wow everyone! :) I really need the help. I am not so graceful! (But with my dress, I don't really need to worry...no one can see my feet!)
We are going to finalize flowers today, and then we are meeting with the church organist after that to select our ceremony music. I am in wedding Heaven! :)
I hope everyone is having a great day!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Potential to be the Holy Grail of Snacks
I may have found the answer. Sun Chips has just come out with Cinnamon Chips. I love Sun Chips because they are a little healthier, and now that they have cinnamon chips? Heaven help me! The good news being that they come in individual serving bags. I bought a bag from the deli this morning, but I haven't eaten them yet. (It's 8:24am...not the right time!) I have high hopes, though. :) I'll let you know what I think!
In other news, it was a good weekend. I did my first trial run on bridal makeup, and I really loved what she did! Paula, my esthetician, is wonderful! She is doing all my facials and brow waxing, and she has a love of MAC just like me! She is an absolute genius with makeup, and we decided that we may need to take a trip to the MAC counter together soon. (I love this girl!) I have a bunch of stuff to recycle and trade for free lipsticks, so I am planning to go this week regardless. :)
Hmm...I haven't mentioned WW lately, have I? I'm struggling again. I didn't go on Saturday, but I did get workouts in at the gym, which is the thing that keeps me from totally blowing it. I know that WW has revamped their program and I am supposed to be able to eat more food, but I don't want to do that. I am trying to re-focus on making smarter choices, so I am going to the old points system. The system that worked so well for me two years ago. I know...I keep struggling, but I just refuse to give up on myself. I did it once...I can do this again! (Right?)
We saw the new Harry Potter film...loved it!! The book comes out this week and I think I need to buy myself a copy. It's the last one and I can hardly wait to dig into it! We also watched Last King of Scotland, which was a very interesting film. Amin did terrible things to the people of Uganda, and this movie gives you a look at what kind of man he was. He was awful. But the film was great, and Forrest Whittaker is a very good actor!
I think that's about it for me. I hope everyone has a good Monday!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Thursday Randomness
I discovered that Target.com has a bridal section, with some very pretty wedding dresses. They also have flower girl dresses for $13.99 each. I paid $45. Go figure. If you are about to embark on wedding planning, go to target.com and search for "bridal".
It's going to take a LOT of motivation to get me into the gym today. I am bloated and crampy. Yay. I promise to be pleasant when David gets home from Houston tonight.
I got another reminder of why my family is awesome. When someone in the family is having a tough time, we (our whole clan!) band together like no one's business. Ashley, we've got your back, girl! (She doesn't read the blog, but I am putting that out in the universe!) Ash is 12 and needs some unconditional love, and this village is all about raising her right. Girl, you are awesome and don't forget it! We love you without exception!!
I got two new purses yesterday, compliments of David's company. :) It pays to marry a footwear rep! I love them, but they are fall bags and I was hoping for a white one for the summer. Wait...they were free and I'm bitching? Someone slap me.
This is post number 450. Yes, I have put 450 blurbs about my life out there for all to laugh at. Here's to the next 450!
I am getting married in 78 days. 78 DAYS!!! I have a lot to do between now and then.
Okay. I think that's enough mind-numbing randomness from me today. I just had some soup and a baked potato, and now I need to get some work done. Everyone have a great day!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Where Do I Want to Be Today?

If you look carefully, you will notice I have some sort of crazy white-girl 'fro happening on top of my head. I wonder what was up with that? I would love to be there right now...there's a sort of surreal excitement when you step off the train and take your first steps in a new city. Especially when it's London!
I am not enamored with my job today, so I am dreaming of being in other places. But mostly I am missing traveling and the adventure of going somewhere new. I want to go next summer so badly it hurts, but after the wedding we are trying to save for a house. This means no trip to Paris for Jen. At least, not next year. Is it possible to feel "homesick" for a place you lived for only seven days?
"If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris…then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, because Paris is a moveable feast." - Hemmingway
Amen to that!
Monday, July 09, 2007
Fun with Cheese!
1 sheet of puff pastry dough
1 8oz wheel of brie
1/2 cup raspberry jam
1/3 cup pecans
1 egg
Crack the egg and scramble in a small bowl. With a pastry brush, brush both sides of the puff pastry with the egg. Cut the rind off the top of the brie wheel, and lay on center of puff pastry sheet. Spread jam on the brie, and then sprinkle pecans over the jam. Bring all four corners of the pastry togther so that it wraps up the brie like a package. Back at 375 for 20-25 minutes. Serve with crackers. YUM!
I made this for David's family get together on Sunday and it was really good! :) I am such a fan of brie! And no, this is in no way a low fat recipe. I made it for a family gathering, so it was a special occasion. :)
I don't have much news. I got all the wedding invitation envelopes addressed, so now we just need to start buying postage. Cha-ching!
I think that's it today. No big news. I have a slight headache, so I am feeling blah. Nothing to worry about. I think it's the weather! Ugh!
Have a good Monday! :)
Friday, July 06, 2007
I Must Really Be Old Now
I am about to start working on addressing envelopes for wedding invitations. We did get a wedding gift in the mail today, though! (Thank you to Joe and Pascha!) I can't unwrap it because David is out of town and I want him to be here to share the fun of opening a gift, especially since it was sent with love from two of his very good friends!
In other fun news, I got the word from David that his company is sending all the reps a case of sample handbags. Yes, I am getting a large box of leather handbags! I have no idea what all they are sending me, but isn't that cool?? I think they will probably be fall bags, and I really need a good white summer bag. Maybe they will slip one in there for me! :)
I spent last night with Mom and Wendy working on the bridesmaids gifts...I can't say much, but they sure are cool! :)
I guess that's about it. Not much on tap for the weekend. David comes back tomorrow afternoon, and I am going to go work out in the morning. I have some relaxing scheduled, and I will pick up David around 3pm I think. He'll let me know for sure. (If he needs a ride from the airport!)
Everyone have a good rest of the evening!
Monday, July 02, 2007
Speaking of weddings...we're under the three month mark now. Yikes! David and I talked about the budget last night and things we need to be sure to do before the wedding. We have a fair amount of stuff to do! This week we are printing the response envelopes and starting to purchase postage. We're going to be addressing invitations since they go in the mail on the 27th of this month!! Wow...it's really starting to get close!
It's going to be a nice week...I have an abbreviated work schedule so I will be enjoying the holiday. We're going to David's parents house on Wednesday, and I am making a couple of things to take. (Thanks for the recipes, Paula Deen!) I feel the need to prove that I can cook for their son, although no one has ever said that I couldn't!
So that's it for today. Have a good Monday everyone! :)