Yay! It's Friday! I am so glad, too. It's been a busy week. I have been in training for the last two days, so it's nice to be back at my desk and doing my thing. I went to dinner with mom last night, and we chowed down at Subway. I swear, I love that place! I am addicted to the turkey on honey oat bread. I may have another one for dinner tonight! I am going to work out after I get home from work, and I am looking forward to it. Mom and I were out and about and she was very generous and bought she and I both some new workout clothes, so I have to go try them out tonight! :) After that and dinner, it's bubble bath city for me. I am looking forward to the down time. I have my weigh in tomorrow, and I am thinking it should go well! :) I'll post here tomorrow morning and let everyone know for sure.
Tomorrow is going to be a day of housecleaning. I want David to come home to a clean house. (Who sounds like Suzy Homemaker??) That, and the house needs a good cleaning. With three cats, we have cat hair everywhere so I need to vacuum and dust and wash sheets and all that stuff. We're still figuring out where to put some of our wedding gifts! We got a lot of wonderful stuff and we're a little limited on space. We'll figure it out!
Oh, I'd like to introduce my newest blog link! Check out Carmen in Sin City! I found her through the Blonde's blog, and Carmen is another fun gal about town. She's a poker player and her blog is lots of fun! (And her Vegas pool reviews are very helpful!)
Yes, it's shaping up to be a quiet weekend. Oh, I didn't even get to share that our wedding pictures are in! It's so exciting to look at them, and I really love the pictures!! Here's me with my absolutely gorgeous bridesmaids:

I love this picture! I think each of these ladies is amazing. My 12 year old cousin is in the middle on the left side, and she's going to grow up to be a strong woman. I won't let it be any other way!
So anyhow...I hope everyone has a wonderful Friday! Send me some skinny thoughts in the morning!