Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Wii Stayed Up Too Late!

David and I recently purchased a Wii, but since he's been travelling so much there hasn't been time to even take it out of the box. That changed last night!! We hooked it up and played until almost midnight...yes, I am tired today, but I have to suck it up because I am working with my trainer this afternoon. No excuses! But you can bet I'll be playing it again when I get home tonight!

So today I am putting the deposit down on our cruise!! I am really looking forward to the trip and spending time with David and my parents like that. We haven't had a family vacation in many years, and this is going to be a good one!! I've found several excursions I want to do...swimming with the dolphins is just going to have to be a must! And in Cozumel, I want to snorkel with the stingrays. I doubt we'll be having another Crocodile Hunter incident. :) I'll be fine!

So it's been a good day, except that David left again this morning and won't be back until Thursday. But after that, he's home until June 5th!! (And we have a holiday weekend this weekend!) That's about it for me. Everyone have a great day!

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