Thursday, November 09, 2006

It's That Day Again

It's weigh-in day again! I am nervous, as usual, but optimistic. The problem may be that I may be retaining some water, so if the scale is cruel today, I know I did everything I could to make smart choices this week and it's nature, not me! So please send me skinny vibes at 11am today.

Mom picked up more paper for me to work on my tent cards. I plan to work on those tonight. It's really soothing to do that. Gives me an activity and I feel like I am making progress toward getting stuff done.

David spent the night at the Stanley Hotel in Colorado last night. Not familiar with that hotel? It's where "The Shining" was filmed. It's also supposed to be one of the most haunted hotels in the US. He was looking forward to it, but it creeped me out to think about it! I had a weird experience last night, too. I always watch channel 5 in the morning when I am getting ready for work. When I got home last night (around 9:30) I turned on the TV and went right to the DVR function, not changing the channel. When I got done watching a recorded show, I went back to the TV and it was on channel 65. That's the sci-fi channel, and the show on was "Ghost Hunters", and they were at the Stanley Hotel! They showed a couple of things that really creeped me out, so I called David and left him a message to call me. Seriously, I'm sure there is a perfectly good explanation for this, but it really did make it hard to go to sleep! (Especially with the cats making noises in the other room...spooky!)

Tonight I am making myself some dinner and then making tent cards. Exciting, right? I'm going to pop in a movie and relax...I need a little down time! Everyone have a good Thursday!

Oh, and I will report in when I get back from WW...the big news will be posted at noon! :)

1 comment:

Kim said...

That is all so odd about the TV! Very Spooky!!!