Friday, January 02, 2009

Focusing on 2009

I refuse to use the "resolution". I never keep them, so I won't make any. What I am doing, is deciding where my focus needs to be for 2009. Here's my list of things I am going to work on this year:
  1. Weight - yes, I know how tired everyone here must be reading about how I am yet again embarking on the weight loss journey. Sorry, but I refuse to give up on myself. But I am taking a new approach with myself, so I will post periodic updates here as I am ready to do so.
  2. Finance - This is a new one for me. David and I have an awesome plan in place to have all debt (yes, I mean ALL) eliminated by June. I will post an update to that in June and let you know how it's going. I expect this to be a great success, as David and I are a really good team and are very focused on this one. We have other goals that will follow once that is accomplished. :)
  3. School - This is ongoing for me. I am taking 9 hours this semester, so I am going to be busy, but it will help me graduate sooner. That's the big motivator! Oh, and along with school, I plan to keep myself on the Dean's List. That's a list I enjoy!

That's my three. I don't want more than that because they are three big ones, and are of utmost importance to me. It's going to be a good year, and I am excited. One year from now I look forward to patting myself on the back for being so disciplined, and hopefully I'll be within a year of graduating!

What are you focuses for this year? I'm curious to know what is of importance to everyone else!


Jessica said...

A bit ambitious? You go girl! The wieght one is my main goal for the year. What is your approach?

CarmenSinCity said...

Those are great resolutions. Happy New Year!!