Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Seven Days In...

Yes, a whopping seven days into the new year, and I am still maintaining my focus. I know, I's only seven days, right? Yes, but I have to celebrate taking things in small chunks, and one week of eating better, not spending extra money, and getting off the couch and moving more. I have menu planned, shopped carefully, and done more around the house rather than doing too much vegging. (Some vegging is allowed, right?) So yeah, I'm pretty proud of my first week in!

Mom and I decided that with trying to pay things off and put money in savings that we're going to postpone our NYC trip for now. It's not cancelled, just put on the back burner for a while. We're both trying to put money in savings and pay off credit cards, so it just makes sense right now. But when we do go, look out NYC!!

Other than all that, I don't have much news. Things are good...nothing big going on. David's birthday is at the end of the month and I have been planning fun things. He knows I am taking him to Boi Na Braza for his birthday dinner, but he doesn't know what else fun is planned! I'll spill the beans here after his birthday. Hey, I don't want him stopping by and finding out!!

That's it for today. Everyone have a great Wednesday!

1 comment:

Myers Family Blog said...

Thanks for the post and thanks for keeping us in your prayers for adopting a baby. We pray daily that God will find the right person for us to make a connection with.
I will keep you in our prayers for your New Years resolutions and pray that you will continue what you have set out before you to accomplish this year!!!