Friday, December 04, 2009

Paying It Forward

I have been so very blessed with all the support I have from friends and family through all the weight loss stuff. Some time back I randomly stumbled onto a blog written by a woman like me, who is dealing with weight struggles. She's a great writer and has a wonderful blog. Anyhow, I finally decided to post a comment on her blog. (I hadn't before because I didn't want her to think I was a psycho stalker!) Anyhow, I thought it was time for me to try and encourage others the way that so many people encourage me. She has a desire to do a 5K, and I remember how I felt when I was preparing for my first one. (And here I am training for a 1/2 marathon!) Anyhow, I left her an encouraging post, and she has posted a very nice thank you on her blog, so I am glad she felt the support! I responded, and then noticed that when I signed my name at the end of my comment, I misspelled it. Yes, I misspelled my own name. Yeah, I rock.

Anyhow, it feels good to send some positive energy to others. Losing weight is difficult, and sometimes we need someone to give us a little something to help us keep going. I am blessed in that I get that from the people in my life. I just needed to share some of that love!

I am drained today. It's that drained feeling you get after you're passed something stressful, so it's a good drained. I am having dinner with my personal cheerleader, Kim, who is a rock star in her own right. She is doing a relay race a week from Sunday. I am bummed that I cannot be there to cheer her on, but I think she knows my heart is with her each step she takes. :) We're going to sushi at my very favorite place tonight, and she's going to come see our Christmas decorations. She's the first person I get to show them off to! Thankfully I have time before she comes over to get all my shoes out of the living room and wash my coffee mug in the sink!

I think that's it for now. I hope everyone has a great Friday!! :)


Kim said...

Thank you so much for your comments. It's so helpful to find people who have experienced and are experiencing the same things that I am. I am glad to have found your blog! Hope you have a great weekend!

Kim said...

I know you will be there next week in spirit and I will text you my results as soon as I cross my relay point :). See you tonight!