Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Maybe This Time...

So after so many posts about how I'm all refocused and on track, I think this time it's really happening. I've worked out hard, eaten carefully, and I'm down 4 pounds since Friday! All of this is good news! Now, it's 4 pounds I had put back on, so I am working to get back to where I was. But I'm not worried about that...I think I'm going to get there! :)

So I had to take off from the gym yesterday because my muscles were so fatigued. I've given them a good beating, and they just needed a break. Wise choice, as I woke up today feeling much better and ready to hit the treadmill again. I love it when I make smart decisions!

So I don't have any news today...Biology lab tonight. Meh.

Everyone have a great Tuesday!

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