Friday, April 07, 2006

Just when I thought my life was good...

It gets better!!! David got his shoe cards last night, so he let me order a whole bunch of shoes!! :) So now I am waiting for my 6 new pairs of shoes to arrive!!! I am so excited! I got some super cute shoes! FREE!!! David likes to remind me that when we first met I told him he needed to work for Born. And now he does!!! You know, even without the perk of new shoes he is the most amazing man ever...the shoes are the icing on the very perfect cake!

No real news today. David is driving to Tyler to do a store event out there and he has an event at a local mall tomorrow, so I am going to have dinner with my parents tonight. David gave me cards for them to each get two pair of shoes...isn't that incredibly thoughtful? He's wonderful! I really feel lucky because not only do my parents like him but he really likes my parents, too. It's such a perfect situation! :)

Oh...everyone send my good friend Kevin some great vibes...he's got a phone interview with my company on Monday for a position he would seriously be perfect for, so please say a prayer for him!!

That's it for today...TGIF!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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