Tuesday, April 25, 2006


So David has had an exciting stay in OKC with all the tornados. He wasn't in the line of fire, but he could step outside and watch the twisters as they tore through town. I was a nervous wreck worrying about him, but he is totally fine and in the clear, now. It was scary to think of him in the middle of all that!

Yesterday at work was so busy I was absolutely worn out by the time I left. I came home with the intention of working out, but instead I ate dinner and then began cleaning things out. It's different when you think about getting rid of stuff because you will at some point be combining stuff with someone else. But it's a happy feeling and I liked doing it.

Tonight Mom and I are running errands. I am delivering some Avon goodies to Jen and Mom has some stuff to return to another store, so we're going to be a little busy and I won't really get to do more cleaning out tonight. Joseph and Dima may be coming over on Friday to help me for a little bit, and then we will go have a drink and play a little bit of pool. (All work and no play, etc)

David comes home on Saturday and I am going to make dinner. Yes, I know the last time I tried to do this I made a big disaster (undercooked chicken, etc), but I am trying again. I am making Coq au Vin and a salad. We saw it on the Food Network Sunday and I thought it looked easy and very tasty. If it's awful I will know beforehand because I am going to make it and then pick David up, so worst case scenario is that it will be awful and he will never know and we will just order pizza. :)

So that's it for me. Nothing earth shattering. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

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