Friday, November 30, 2007

The Holiday Edition

Welcome to the holiday edition of the blog! In today's installment, I feel the need to be snarky and criticize some holiday lights. Let's begin...

What is this mess? It can best be described as Al Gore's holiday nightmare. Can you imagine what their electric bill will be like? And you have to put up EVERY strand of light that you have? Sometimes less really is more. I'm just sayin'...

But sometimes less is just less. Moderation is good, but do it with some style...

Hmm...did they just give up? Was this the most creativity that they could muster? I think at this point they should have just admitted that they didn't feel like decorating and left it all in the attic.

I'm going to keep an eye out for a lovely happy medium. These two were just wrong!!

In other news, I am really glad it's Friday. Oh, and how about them Cowboys? Sorry for all you Packers fans. I think we broke your QB. Oops!

Everyone have a good Friday!

1 comment:

CarmenSinCity said...

ha ha - that second house is PATHETIC!!!!!!!