My knee is much better, so I think I can get back to my grind. I have not done well this week at all with the food or the working out. This will change tomorrow. Tomorrow is homework/workout day, and I am very serious about that. I am taking a tip from a friend and Saturdays and Sundays are known from here on as "1000 Calorie Days". Not because I will be ingesting tons of food, but because I am going to try and get 1000 calories burned each day. Right now, this isn't as hard as one might think. That's about 2 hours of good working out. I can burn almost 600 walking for an hour, so I figure the 9:45am water aerobics class and then an hour of walking should do what I need on Saturday. Sundays will include an hour of walking and an hour of yoga. The hour of walking may need to turn into an hour and a half, but we'll see. I have a heart rate monitor that lets me know what I've burned off, so it's all good.
I am really looking forward to WW tomorrow. I will tell you now that I am not stepping on the scale tomorrow. Tomorrow is for getting myself BACK on track..again. But that's okay...I'm doing what I need to do, and it's going to be a good week.
Please pray for my Grampa's lovely wife! She is in the hospital with a bowel obstruction. While we are told it isn't life threatening, it is still serious. Ann is in her mid-80s, and Grampa is 90. I know this is worrisome for them both, and I just ask that you pray for God to provide comfort to them and to take care of them as he always does. God truly is good all the time, and I trust in that completely.
On a different and far more frivolous note, I had to post this picture from David's dinner last weekend...

Is it okay for me to love this picture? I look smaller! :)
So that's it for Friday...everyone have a great weekend! Go Saints!!
You look fabulous! And you both look so happy :). I saw his birthday party pics on FB. It looked like a blast! I am glad it got pulled off successfully.
Thanks! It's a decievingly good picture, but I'll take it!! :)
Yeah, it was a surprise until the hostess was showing us to our table and spilled the beans that there were 29 people there. *sigh*
You look TINY! And gorgeous, of course. Good for you!
1,000 calories??? That's really impressive! Good for you! What an amazing goal!
I will definitely pray for that sweet lady. Let us know when she pulls through.
Thanks, Kim! Seriously, it's a very flattering picture. I wish I felt as tiny as I think I look! But that's okay...I'll get there so it's actually a pretty motivating picture! :)
And it's important to note I haven't hit that magic 1000 calorie burn yet...but I'm working on it! I think I will be more successful this weekend. But I like to have a goal, and I am much better about not beating myself up if I don't quite get there. I'm pushing more for the discipline and effort. I'm a work in progress, and I will be my whole life! :)
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