Friday, February 19, 2010

Thank You, Mountain Cedar

Because the air is full of allergens, I am all congested and stuffed up. And not having much fun with that! It's not getting worse, but it's not really improving. My nose is stuffed up, I am sneezing and have watery eyes...ugh!!! I hate this! And even though I go to bed at a decent time, I am waking up tired and I look craptastic. Lovely.

But on a positive note, our tax return was deposited today and that was some great news! This means tomorrow I get to put my car in the shop for all the little maintenance things that it's time to do. As much as I hate spending money on that stuff, it's just necessary. I'd much rather buy shoes or lip gloss, but that's just not how it works. :)

We are looking forward to having my cousin Ashley over this weekend! She's 15, and lots of fun to hang out with, and always love having her with us. She is so sweet and well-mannered, and lots of fun for us to take out. She lives with her mother in south Texas, so having her with us is a treat! We'll have to think of somewhere special to take her for dinner.

I think that's it for today. TGIF everyone!!

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