Friday, July 09, 2010


So I started my next class last night. lots of papers to write and my fair share of quizzes. I honestly feel like I am having to work really hard to tread water right now. I think I will really enjoy the week I get between summer school and the regular semester at the end of August. Tonight, rather than getting to spend time with David or do something fun, I will eat dinner and then get to work on my first paper. It hardly seems fair. But it's the price I am paying to get this d@mn education. (Which I am grateful for and really want...I'm just tired right now.)

I am going to WW tomorrow morning. If we can all think back, I joined back on 19, but haven't been able to get to a meeting because I have been out of town every weekend since then. I am going to step on the scale at the gym here in a few minutes...not sure how its going to go. But you know what? I am happy to go tomorrow. I like the meetings. They really help. And I get to spend some time with my friend Wendy at the meeting, so it's all good! After that I am headed out of town overnight (yes, again). Oh, and that half marathon? Yeah, its coming up and I'm really not ready. I don't think I'll be able to finish, but I'm going to give it my very best effort. That's what counts, right? Of course, both ways on the plane I will have to be working on homework. I can't begin to tell you how ready I am to get through school. I'm just exhausted right now.

But over all, things are really good. I know I'm whining about being tired and all, but it will pass. This degree is something I want, and I am glad to have a chance to get an education. I just want a break, too!!

Have a good Friday, everyone!

1 comment:

Kim said...

When you get too stressed and need a laugh, think of the cat lost in negative space. Giggles just typing that :).