Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday Again?

Ugh...I really could use one more day in my weekend. (I usually feel that way, though.) It's just been exhausting. I am still feeling icky thanks to my allergies. I feel like somehow the weekend got away from me. I spent the better part of my day yesterday doing homework, and that usually takes up a chunk of the day. Hey, at least it's done.

We bought a new vehicle this weekend, so that was exciting. We replaced David's Jeep so he is a very happy camper. It will be another year before I get anything new, so I'll just have to wait. My little Civic and I get along just fine! :)

My 15-year-old cousin spent the night with us Saturday night. She was in town for a cheer leading competition and she had dinner with us, which is always fun. She's a great girl and I love spending time with her. I always wish we had more time!

Chris and her husband and kiddos are coming to town on Friday, and I am VERY excited! I haven't seen her since Christmas, so we have some catching up to do! Actually, we're in constant contact, so rather than catching up I guess we're really just getting together to be silly. We're going to work out, going to the meeting for the 3-Day, then going shopping! She and her husband are excited because her Dad is watching their girls so the four of us get to go out for the evening and we are a very excited bunch!

I am also having dinner with Kim this week to celebrate her birthday. (Yes, it was a week ago!) I'm looking forward to getting to enjoy an evening with her. :) I haven't gotten to hang out with her in a while, so this is going to be fun! (Wow, I am going to have a really good week!!)

So I think that's it...I need to get my day started. Let's get this Monday over with!!


Kim said...

Can't wait for tonight! Is it 7:30 yet :)?

Kim said...

Congrats on the new car! I hope you are both enjoying it!