Wednesday, April 07, 2010

5K Days Are Here Again

So I have signed up for the 5K at the Ft Worth Zoo! I am so excited! Kim and I are going to do it together, so that makes it even more fun! (Oh, and we get a free ticket to the zoo for participating!) I am really looking forward to getting back to doing these 5Ks. They were good for me and kept me moving and competitive. My competition was always my last best time. I've not done one in quite a while, so I doubt I can best my last time, but that's okay...I'm going to start training hard, even though I only have a week and a half. I don't matter what I am excited to be back and doing these again! I need to start looking for the next one now. My half marathon is 16 weeks from this Sunday. I would be a liar if I didn't say I am scared. 13.1 miles is a long way, and when you're not a thin person, that's a lot of weight to carry with you. But you know what? I'm going to give it everything I have. I may or may not finish, but I really hope I do! I'll be doing everything I can to drag myself across that line in under 3 1/2 hours. (You have to finish in 3.5 hours...they close the course after that!) Basically this means I need to be at about a 15 minute mile. Sounds easy for most people, but I had been at about a 17.5 minute mile. (Let's remember I am more of a walk/jog kind of gal.) So I have to step it up. That scares me a little bit, but I have time if I really focus. So I have my trainer to help with my strength building, and I have me for the distance/time training. I have a lot of work ahead of me! I'm going to start by walking daily. I can pick one day a week to rest, which will most likely be Fridays since I will have worked with Susan on Wednesdays and Thursdays. I need that one day to let my muscles rest, but Saturdays and Sundays HAVE to be hardcore days from now on. When I say hardcore I mean that I need to burn 1000 calories on those days. This is going to have to include a lot of cardio (aka speed walking and jogging) and maybe even a SET class at 24 hour. This feels intense and I am excited about getting hardcore...scared, but excited! I'm going to start fueling my body with mots of lean proteins and veggies, and really monitor what goes in. I need to learn to think of myself as an athlete. I know, you wouldn't think that if you saw me, but I want to have that visual. If I can see it, I can make it happen. I always know something is attainable if I can imagine myself in the moment. I need to work on visualizing myself at that finish line in Chicago.

So I am going to start reporting daily what I did to train. We'll take this a step at a time, and I will be training for the 5K. My goal for the 5K? I'd love to say 45 minutes but I am a realist. Let's shoot for 52 minutes on that one. No matter what, I am going to give it my all.

So tomorrow's post will include a summary of today's training. If you don't see it, call me out on it!! (Trust me, you'll see it!)

What will YOU do to challenge yourself? It doesn't have to be running related. Maybe it's a small step toward a bigger goal. Maybe today you go the whole day without a soda. Or one less soda. Share your goals here...I want to cheer for you!


Kim said...

You will rock the 1/2 in Chicago. Can't wait for the 17th. It's been awhile since I've done a 5K as well. And I haven't been to the Ft Worth Zoo in ages!

Kim said...

I have been thinking about creating a 30 day challenge for myself! Still putting together what it should look like, but I hope to figure that out soon...

You are ROCKIN' your goals! I hope it feels good!