Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Back to "Normal"

Well, I am back at work after a solid weekend of moving and packing. By the way, it really sucked. It's hard to have everything in turmoil like that, but everything is in the new place now. I just have to get it all unpacked and in it's place. David (who shall now be known as the Best Boyfriend Ever) is coming back over tonight to help me unpack. He's even going to make dinner! He's so reassuring and has lots of ideas on how to arrange the new apartment. He says we can get a lot done tonight, and I need a motivator because I am one tired girl.

I need to really say a very special thank you to a few people who went way out of their way to help me on very short notice. Kevin, you are always there to help and I appreciate it so much. Kim, you read the blog and called to ask how you could help, and I am incredible grateful to you, too. David, you were there every day and even with all the stuff you have going on continued to ask how you could help. And of course, Mom and Dad. Both of you wore yourselves out helping me, and I appreciate you both so much!

And thanks to all of you who have called to check on me and see what you can do to help. (Holly, Mia, Kim and Angela!) There's a lot to do still, but I think I can get unpacked ok. I may need a girl's night Friday with margaritas, and THAT'S how you can help!! :)

So that's been my life for the last few days. Packing, unpacking, and wearing myself to a frazzle. I look forward to having something else to talk about. I know you do, too!

Have a good Tuesday!!

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