Wednesday, September 12, 2007

17 Days, But Whose Counting?

Tick-tock, right? Actually, I am doing pretty good. The stress is minimal, and things are on track. What's the scary thing now? Trying to make time to practice dancing for our reception. I have been trying to contact a dance teacher here in the area, but won't return my calls or emails, so I will take the hint and keep looking. If anyone is interested in hiring Gene Willman for dance instructions, I would say keep looking! He won't contact you back!

The weather has been unreal! It is gorgeous outside! David and I celebrated the weather with dinner on the patio at OTB, followed by enjoying our own patio last night. I am loving this weather and I hope it stays like this for a while!

And a big shout out to my friend Holly who got a new job within the company at one of our regional offices! Go girl! I know you are much happier! :)

So that's it for today. No real news, just mindless chatter. I wish I had something more substantial to share, but no such luck. So just enjoy the weather! David and I are having dinner with Grampa tonight. :)

Have a good Wednesday!


Blonde said...

Oh my god, the wedding is right around the corner!!!! I am so excited for you!

I hope all is well. I have been a horrible blogger friend lately, but I love and miss you!

Michael Young said...

If you're in the hurricane's path, best of luck!