Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Slug-Like Behavior

I got home last night and just ran out of energy! We ran some errands and grabbed a quick dinner at Chili's and after that I was useless! (I was in bed before 9!!) But it was nice to get some good sleep.

I failed to mention yesterday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANGELA!!! I know she prefers to hibernate for her birthday, but I love you, girl! Hope it was good! :)

It's been really busy up here at work, but the word is spreading that I got a promotion and I am having people email me lots of nice congratulatory things. September is quite a month with the promotion and wedding! As much as I am looking forward to the wedding, I am really looking forward to the honeymoon, and a week of more sloth-like behavior as I lay around on the beach and have a cabana boy bring me cocktails. Yes, it's going to be a good vacation! :)

Saturday night is my bachelorette party, and I don't know what to wear! We're going to dinner and then going dancing, and I am really looking forward to it! Sunday is Kevin's fiance's wedding shower, and I am helping to host. So it's a busy weekend! Oh, we also have our final floral appointment on Saturday morning. I am looking forward to that, too. :) Friday night I am going shopping for my super-fab outfit for Saturday night. (I am also picking up a few responsible looking outfits for my new job, too!)

I am no longer having wedding nightmares about things going horribly wrong. I am at peace with all of our arrangements and there is very little left to do. I need to get the wedding favors together (homemade bourbon pecans!), and print out a handful of programs...just to make sure we have enough. But I think most everything is ready, and I will be glad to have it all done.

One more important note for today...God bless all those who were affected by 9/11/01. It's been 6 years ago, and so many families are probably still dealing with grief.

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