Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Traveling the Country

David emailed me today to tell me some of his travel dates...I'll get to meet him at a couple of destinations and I am excited! I'm going to Las Vegas in May and New York in June. I'll also be in Northern California for my birthday weekend, as we are going to go with his family for a wedding out there. Exciting stuff! I can't wait! So now I am feeling very motivated to get my booty to the gym more often and be very careful of what I am eating. :) I have the perfect dress to wear to the wedding, but I need to get some weight off for it to look perfect, so now I have a definite goal!

david is still a sickie...I started to cough a little today, so I am hoping desperately to stay well. I am cramming myself full of vitamins and drinking lots of OJ, so hopefully I am able to fight off anything that might come along.

Other than that, no big news. I am going to go home and relax tonight. I won't be going to dinner with Grampa since I have been around David and his germs. I don't want to spread anything to Grampa-I would never forgive myself if I made him sick!

So everyone have a great day!

1 comment:

Blonde said...

I will be in Vegas in May too and would LOVE to meet you!!!!!! Let me know the dates!

I hope that you feel better soon!