Just out of curiosity, I was looking at the TSA website to see what you can/can't bring on an airplane. Turns out I can bring cigar cutters, small screwdrivers, tweezers, nailfiles (metal is ok!), toy weapons, scissors (with pointed tips), and personal lubricants (?). My lipgloss, however, is NOT ok. Can someone explain this to me?
I had lunch with Jessica and her precious baby Devin today! It was so nice to see her and I am hoping we can do it again soon and that Mia can join us! I miss working with her...she made the day LOTS more fun, and she's a MAC junkie, too! :)
Nothing big going on tonight. After dinner I am leaving David to his "sci-fi Friday night" programming and I am heading to the gym for a hot date with the treadmill. Besides, it assures David that there will be at least and hour and a half of no wedding talk! (I can't help it! I think about the wedding all the time!)
Christy and I went to a small bridal boutique show last night and we had a good time. There were yummy snacks provided by the City Club, which was a big reason I wanted to go-I wanted to sample some of their food! The snacks and champagne were delicious, and we saw some gorgeous wedding dresses (priced at $5000!!!!). The flowers on display were done by my florist, and they were beautiful. When we got there, my coordinator for City Club greeted me like we were old friends, so I felt special. I am going to go through withdrawal when this is over! Is there a"wedding detox" program for post-wedding depression? It's somuch fun to plan this and I wish I did it for a living! :)
Joseph interviewed for a promotion today, so everyone please send him good thoughts!! It's his time...good things are due to start happening for him!
Mom and Dad and I are going to spend time with Grampa tomorrow. Today would have been Gran's birthday, and tomorrow marks one year that she has been gone. I miss her so much. I hope she's smiling down on us and is pleased that we still think of her so often. She's certainly not forgotten.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!