Friday, June 03, 2005

Au Revior, mes amis! Voyez-vous bientot!

Well, in less than 36 hours I will be at the airport getting ready to go. I can't believe it! I've been planning this trip since last October, and now it's here. I feel a bit of nervous excitement, and the anticipation is killing me!! Having a happy hour with my co-workers, and then off to my parents to pick up the digital camera. Then after that, some quality time with Christy, and then home to bed! I have much to do tomorrow and not a lot of time to do it in. (I have weigh in at 8:30am tomorrow!)

I won't have time to post tomorrow, so the next post you see will be from an internet cafe in Paris. I need to get a lot of things wrapped up today, so I apologize for the short post. I'll blog from Paris most likely at the end of the first day there (don't forget the seven hour time difference), so just check back periodically for new updates.

Please pray for safe travel for me and Kim. Until the first post from Paris... au revior!

1 comment:

Kim said...
