Friday, December 30, 2005

Another Great Day

David and I had a lovely evening last night. He grilled the chicken, made mashed potatoes (light, for me!) and I made a fat free dessert. We snuggled and watched the movie (which was very cute!) and just had a wonderful evening. I'm so sorry if you guys are sick of hearing about David, but it's taken me 33 years to find a wonderful man like this, and quite frankly, I want to shout about it from the rooftop! :)

Tomorrow night we're going to the Stars game with Joseph and Dima. We're both big hockey fans, and what a nice treat to have free tickets fall into our lap like this! So it promises to be a very special New Years for us both.

I wish all of you a Happy New Year! I hope you do something special with your loved one...and when I say loved one, I mean family, friends, pets, or anyone else special in your life!!

Be safe and I'll blog again in 2006!! :)


Blonde said...

You should shout if from the rooftops if you are in love!!! Whatever you do, please promise not to jump the couch like Tom Cruise though ;).

Happy 2006 to you!

Jennifer said...

No worries...I am not a couch jumping sort of gal. I much prefer to go on and on in my blog about him. Sort of like in high school when we would write "I love ___" on our textbook covers.

How mature of me!

Blonde said...

I still write I Heart_____ on my that so wrong? Hahahahahahaha!

Glad that you found love in 2005, may 2006 be even happier for you!