Friday, August 25, 2006

Some Meowing and Some Hissing

Yes, there was a little of both through the night and the morning. Cleo is still adjusting, although she isn't hiding any more. She's definitely sticking close to me when she can, and she certainly isn't ready to be best friends with Zak and Kaylee. (They both just want to sniff her and be friendly!) I'm not sure where she spent most of the night, but I got up at 4am to go to the restroom and she was right there with me and boy did she have a lot to say! I sat up with her for a bit, and tried to soothe her. She isn't at all interested in laying on the bed with me, but she's doing pretty well with laying in the middle of the living room and letting the other kitties know that she is establishing herself as the senior member of the household. (And she is...she'll be 14 this October!) Over all, I think she's doing better than I thought she would. She's making herself visible, she's not hiding too much, and she's letting me pet her. (although she did hiss at me a little last night, but she knows she doesn't scare me!)

It's good to have Cleo home. Until now, the longest I had been away from her was the 9 days I was gone to Paris last year, so it's been a tough two months. I've missed her, and I am so happy she's home.

If anyone has any suggestions about ways to help integrate the kitty-family, I would love for you to post your thoughts here! I want to help her transition be as smooth as posible. I just love that cat so much!

So that's about it for today. I hope everyone has a great Friday!!

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