Sunday, May 31, 2009

Okay, So Spanish Might Not Be So Bad...

There were a couple of people in class on Thursday that weren't there on Wednesday, one being a really cool girl named Sara who is much closer to my age, and we hit it off, so now I have a friend at school. :) I think I'll make it through the summer! LOL!

So I weighed in yesterday and have officially lost 26.6 pounds now!! I had posted it on Facebook and got lots of positive comments, so I am feeling pretty good today. I'll be going to the gym here shortly to work out. I am doing my 5K on June 13th, and that isn't too far away, so I have got to spend time on the treadmill for sure today.

It's been a nice weekend. Not too terribly productive, but I spent Friday night sleeping on the couch all evening, and it was wonderful! David had gone to Greg's so I have the place to myself and I was so lazy!! I hadn't slept well the night before. My blood work came back from the doctor showing that my triglycerides were high and my A1C was elevated and my HDL was too low. But all of these are things that should improve with the weight loss, so I am not going to let all that news get me down. I know I'm doing all the right things. :) I'll just keep it up.

I think that's about it for today. My brother in law and his kids are coming over later and we're all going to head to the pool and get some sun. I'm looking forward to that!! Have a good one!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

No Me Gusta la Classe de Espanol

Yeah, I'm not jazzed about my Spanish class. I'm the oldest person in my class, apart from the professor. Everyone in there appears to be relatively fresh from high school. And then there is the whole having to get up in front of the class and I hate doing that. We had to learn to introduce someone to the class in Spanish, and I felt really self-conscious. Honestly, I'm only there to fulfill a degree requirement. I miss having a buddy in class. One of the things I really love about going to TWU is that there are lots of people my age who are there to be focused and are also friendly. TCC? Yeah, this isn't my crowd at all. And of course, I'm the old chick, so that isn't helping. I always make friends quickly in class, but this one may be more of a challenge. And I'll need to make friends, because we're going to have to do a couple of group projects/oral presentations. This all makes me think that next time I am in class with someone older, I am going to go up and make friends with them on the first day of class. It's no fun feeling like this, and I totally know this is just my own issue, but I just hate it. At least it should all end quickly. And most of these people will be in the second summer session with me so it's not like I'll have to start all over again.

Ugh...enough. David spent the day yesterday sweeping and really cleaning the patio. It looks so good! We bought some beautiful new patio furniture and we have lots of plants, so he went the extra mile to make it really nice out there. He also made me dinner and cleaned the kitchen, which was a huge help for me! He told me that since I work all day and then go to school he wanted to make sure he did what he could to help me out. Seriously, I love this man so much! He takes such good care of me and I feel so special! It's nice to know he cares so much. :) It helps that he enjoys cooking so much, so I know he'll be helping with dinner and making things easier on me when he can. I'm so blessed!!

I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday! If this work-week was any longer I don't know what I would do! Hang in there, everyone...we're almost to the weekend!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It's Back To School For Me!

Tonight begins a summer full of school. I start my Spanish class tonight. Bueno! I'll take the second Spanish during the second Summer session, and I also plan to take my speech class then, too. If I pull it all off, I'll have 11 hours out of the way this summer, and that seems worth it to me! I'll be in class Monday through Thursday, and no break between sessions, but it's really okay with me. Class is from 6-8pm, so I still get to kick back for a bit after work, and I'll still have time to goof around before bed. (But not much time!) I'm just glad to be getting stuff out of the way!

No big news. It was a busy holiday weekend, but a good one. I'm really having a case of the "don't wannas" at work this week, but it's all good. I've been good and worked out like I should, so things are moving along there, too. :) I went to the doctor yesterday and still managed to get the weight lecture, but I'm doing something about it so I won't feel too badly. The hardest part is sticking with it, and I'm doing that!!

I really don't have much news at the moment. I hope everyone's day is wonderful!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


I have been a good girl all week...ate carefully and worked out as I should, but I am anxious about my weigh-in this morning. For some reason I feel like it's going to be a week where the scale won't move, and it's not my fault. I hate those weeks, but they happen. I have eaten carefully and worked out 5 days this week, so I know I am doing all the things I should do. I just want that scale to budge in the right direction!! But if it doesn't, I'll just keep plugging away. I have to keep reminding myself that it's a marathon, not a sprint. But when you work hard at something, it's a bummer not to get the results you hope for. But I know my body, and I did have a large loss last week, so it's about time my body plays catch-up. And I am also building muscle, so there's that, too. Mom is going to come take my measurements today so that we can track things that way, too. Sometimes that is where I see results, not the scale. So anyhow...I'll update later with how it went. I've lost 21 pounds now, and I'm really happy about that. Especially since I did it in a month!!

UPDATE: I lost 2.2 pounds this week for a total of 23.2 pounds gone! I am quite pleased with this, and really happy to have lost this week!! :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

40 Before 40

I was thinking recently about where my life is going. I like my direction, and I feel really good about things. So I couldn't help but start to think about what I wanted to accomplish before I turn 40. I don't have a complete list but here goes...

1. Graduate with my BA in Psychology
2. Start Grad school
3. Buy a house
4. Do the Breast Cancer 3-Day
5. Get to my goal weight
6. Go whitewater rafting
7. Do a zip line tour at a tropical location...maybe Jamaica or Antigua

That's what I have so far. All are very do-able. And I plan to do them all! It's cool to be putting this list together. I think I am capable of achieving all of this, I just have to set my mind to it. and making it public means that it's out there in the universe and I have somehow managed to commit to doing it. So here goes!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Slowly But Surely, I'm Getting There

So I had a great weigh-in Saturday morning! I am proud to announce that I have now lost a total of 21 pounds! (I'll post a weight loss update again when I've lost a total of 40) I am hoping to have a total of 30 off by my birthday, so I have to keep up the workouts. Eating right seems to finally feel normal to me. I was at the Dallas Farmer's Market yesterday and bought some beautiful fruits and veggies. (I bought into a CSA, which is a community owned local organic farm, and each week I get fresh goodies grown on the farm. I went in with Samantha and Kevin so we all share when we get each week. It's really cool!) Anyhow, after going to the market, we went to a vegan diner called Spiral Bakery. It was absolutely amazing! I had a wonderful veggie wrap, Sam had the tofu scramble (VERY tasty!) and Kev had the veggie burger. Seriously good food!

I went out with a group of old friends last night and had a wonderful time! It's been forever since I've really even gone out like that, so it was good to get to see everyone. David was flying in from Houston and couldn't make it, unfortunately. But we had a blast and saw the new Star Trek movie, which is awesome so go see it! We had dinner at Uno's Pizza downtown, and I had the gluten-free veggie pizza and a glass of red wine. YUM!!! :)

Enjoy your Sunday, everyone!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday Fun

TGIF!! It's been a long week, but it's been good. I have caught myself enjoying my job more, which is a vast improvement from how it's been. It's still a means to an end for me, but I want to be able to tolerate it until I am done with school.

I bought Twilight on Blu-Ray last night and watched it. I like it...didn't love it, but that's because I usually prefer the book to the movie. The book has so many intricacies that the movie just can't cover. But I still enjoyed the movie, don't get me wrong.

Tonight after work, I am going to go to the gym. I didn't go this morning because I wanted to have time for a full hour, and I was carpooling today. I'm looking forward to just hopping on the treadmill and getting into my own world. Maybe I will load a movie onto my iPod. That's GREAT for making the hour pass faster! Tomorrow I am taking Cleo to the vet for her follow up to make sure her meds are working. Little prayers for Cleo, please!!

I also have WW in the morning. Hopefully the scale moves in the right direction this week!!!

That's about it in a nutshell. Everyone enjoy the weekend! The weather is supposed to be nice!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Twilight and Other Things

First of all, have any of you read the Twilight books? I hadn't until last week, and I have just finished book 3...I can't put them down! Rarely does a book(s) do this to me, but I am absolutely obsessed with reading them! Thankfully, my cousin Beth is right there with me and she understands. And like every other 16 year old girl, I am swooning over Edward! *sigh* (Not the movie Edward, the one in the book...I like the Edward in my imagination much better.) So I am about to start book four, and it's the last one. That makes me sad! I wish it took me longer to read to I could stretch it out!

On to bigger my grades for the semester and I have a 4.0 GPA! Now I get to be on the Dean's List again, and this time with a special 4.0 designation!! I worked my booty off to get there, let me tell you. My finals really took it out of me, but it's all good. :)

And yes, I am still working out at 5am...I'm dead serious about sticking with that, too. Apparently it's my body's optimal time to go. At least it's out of the way early!

That's it for now. I sure am glad tomorrow is Friday!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Beat Down and Brain Dead

I have worked all weekend long on six assigned papers for school, and a 10 question take-home essay test. I am mentally exhausted. I still have 2 questions left on the test to write, but everything else is done. And I am completely whipped. Not to mention I have upped my workouts from 30 minutes to an hour now, so now I'm really wiped out! I did 60 minutes on the treadmill yesterday, and I did 40 minutes of weightlifting and 20 minutes on the treadmill this morning. I am tired! Oh, and I'm cramping. Lovely. But I'm trying to power through. :)

It feels good to be working out, and I really think it's becoming part of my routine. I'm doing a 5K on June 13th and I am trying to improve my time. Last time I did a 5K I did it in an hour and eleven minutes. Not a great time others, but not bad for me. But this time I am trying to get it under an hour. I have a bit to go, but I think I can do it. No one cares about my time but me, and but it's important and it's one of those goals I can measure. After no movement on the scale, I need to be able to mark improvement somewhere!

So today I take my papers up to school to turn in to Dr. Hall. I like being in his class, and I have him for Crisis Intervention in the fall. I think it's going to be a good class! I do need a little break, though. I don't start summer school until the 27th, so I have a little time. (Yay!)

Have a good Monday, everyone!

Saturday, May 09, 2009


So I weighed in this morning after a disciplined week of careful eating and faithfully working out and what did the scale do? Absolutely nothing. I didn't lose an ounce!! Everyone has quickly reassured me that after the tremendous loss last week that this is normal. I know, I know. And top it off with it being "that time" of the month, I should have known, but the shock and disappointment were overwhelming. I'm okay and not depressed but I was just really disappointed. I know I can't let it get me down, but it's a little hard not to. But my body isn't fighting me, it's just learning to let go of the weight. I know how it works...been there before. It's just a bummer, that's all. So I'll keep at it and be just as determined this week. And who knows? Maybe next week the news will be better! (I do plan to try and kick up the workouts a notch, though!)

I helped my mother with a wedding reception for her friend's daughter today. It was a good amount of work but it went off very well. The bride was very pretty and it was a lovely afternoon. I allowed myself to share a piece of cake with mother, and it was worth it! (Very tasty strawberry cake!!!) I am going to go grab some dinner and then get back to writing essays and papers. My deadline is drawing near and I am getting into crunch time, but that's when I start to really do well. Somehow, I just do well under pressure. I hope that remains true!

Everyone enjoy their weekend!!

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Becoming Who I Want To Be

I've always wanted to see myself as more of a physically active person. Maybe even athletic, although none of that has really ever described me very well. It was something I wanted but I never really worked for it, so I guess I didn't want it too much after all. I have always been the heavy girl, and somehow I learned to live with that. I wasn't okay with it, but I managed to accept that because I had friends who loved me for who I was. (Am I am so thankful for that, believe me!) I am blessed with a husband who loves me for me and I allowed myself to just accept that.

Until now.

Now, I am really wanting to see myself make those changes. I really WANT this so much...I want to see myself differently. It's not about aesthetics this time. It's about being healthy and active. And athletic. I still have fears about going to classes at the gym. There is a Sunday Yoga class that I'd like to try, but I'm really just not ready yet. The difference is that I know I will get there when I am ready. I can feel my attitude about fitness changing. I think I might be evolving slowly into someone who refuses to miss her workouts. I was concerned this morning that with David gone and not there to help motivate me at 4:30 in the morning that I might not get myself to the gym, but I did it!! I hit snooze once, but I did it. And that is a HUGE change for me! The old me would have decided that no one had to know, but the new me says that even if no one else knows, I will know and I am only in this for myself. No one cares as much about my weight loss as I do, so I would only let myself down. And I went, and it felt good!!

Now I am at work and enjoying a breakfast of cottage cheese and an orange. I have my meals planned out, and I am feeling really on top of things. I have wondered why I waited so long to get myself back into this place, and I don't have an answer for that. But I only care that I am in my zone now, and going strong. Maintaining that mindset won't always be so easy, but the key is pushing through. I sometimes imagine Jillian Michaels in my head when I am on the treadmill. Sometimes I just want to stop, but then I hear her telling me that a quitter would never reach her goals.

I'm not a quitter. Not this time. I'm finally in the right frame of mind and I'm in this for the long haul. And I like it!

Besides...for once in my life I'd like to my husband's arm candy! ;-)

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

A Day Of Rest

My body needed the day off from working out, so I slept in to a more human time this morning. (aka 6am) It felt good, too! But I know I'll be hitting it again at 5am tomorrow. It feels good to really be developing a routine and actually not dreading the alarm! I think it's paying off, so I'm happy to go with it!

Not much news this week. I will be buried in papers and exams until the 12th. Then I have a little time to relax before summer school begins. I'm taking Spanish both summer semesters, and I am excited to get that knocked out! I need to start prepping myself for Algebra. Going to take that this spring at TCC and get that done, too. I really need to finish my GEC coursework, but I am working on it. Slowly but surely!

WW is still going very well, and I am still very focused. I am having to make sure I eat my daily allotment of's actually harder than I anticipated since I am so careful about what I eat!

David is enjoying his week in Denver. He'll be back Saturday evening, and I will be happy to see him!

Stay dry today!!

Sunday, May 03, 2009


Okay, so I was up at 6:20am and we met my Dad at the gym this morning to workout. He headed off to the pool and I headed for the treadmill. My body was a little more worn out today, but I got in a good solid treadmill workout and then lifted weights, so I put in a strong hour at the gym. However, I have only been working out for 30 minutes at a time and my body is in a little bit of shock! Apparently it's not used to burning so many calories at once, so I have been hungry today! We ate fruit and yogurt for breakfast, a whole wheat turkey wrap for lunch, and I have been prepping dinner for later. I've had to snack on oranges and some raw veggies. I'm not used to being quite so hungry! I think I need to start adding in more protein to my breakfast to sustain that. It's just funny...we've both been pretty hungry today!

It's been a great weekend. Dad's party yesterday was lots of fun and we had a wonderful turnout to celebrate his retirement. David and I pretty much just chilled last night. We had shrimp cocktail for dinner and went to bed early. That rain was making us sleepy!

So it's been a wonderful weekend. I've got to get laundry done because I am going to bed early to get to the gym nice and early! I'm on a roll! (I doubt it will be another 9.6 pound loss for this coming week, but I want to stay on track!!)

Everyone enjoy the cool weather!

Saturday, May 02, 2009


I am having such a feeling of disbelief...but this is good, don't worry! I went to WW this morning and could not believe how much I lost this week! I have been working out at 5am and pushing myself to do more, and holy cow did it pay off!! I'm not ready to share the overall total yet, but this week alone I lost (brace yourself) 9.6 pounds! In one week!! HOLY COW!!! I feel so strong and empowered! Seriously, 30 minutes on the treadmill coupled with very careful eating equals results! Now, I know this is not going to be the norm, but it sure felt good this week. I have to prep myself for next week - that will be a tough act to follow for sure. :) But that's okay...I'm rocking the treadmill and eating healthy and feeling the most clear-headed and healthy than I have felt in a long time. And none of this is feeling like a sacrifice at all! It's feeling like a victory!

So while it all feels surreal, it also feel pretty freaking great!!

Friday, May 01, 2009


It's been a whirlwind! Okay, first things first: Cleo is going to be fine! She has a very overactive thyroid, so we began treating it with a once-a-day pill. While she doesn't love taking a pill, it's a small price to pay for good health! Next up, we have a re-check in two weeks to make sure she is responding to the meds, but the doctor seems to think things should be looking good and she should start to gain her weight back. Thank you, God!

The other big event yesterday was Dad's retirement party at Lockheed-Martin. He had a big turnout, and it was really cool to spend the day out there and celebrate. He works with some really nice people, and I met people whose names I have heard for most all my life. Dad's work BFF was retiring the same day, so that was neat. They processed out together, and that was it! After that, Mom, Dad, David and I went to Chili's for a celebratory drink (I had lunch and some water...trying to be good and all!) and we had a great time. I called Dad today and he is spending his day relaxing. Just as it should be! He was so sweet and filled mom's gas tank up before she left for work. Hear that, men? It really is just the smallest thing that can make a woman's day!! :) Tomorrow is the lunch that mom and I are doing for him, and we've got a nice size crowd coming from all over the DFW area to enjoy lunch and celebrate Dad!

So that's all the news I's been a great day and I have much to be thankful for. Don't forget to count your blessings today!!