Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It's Back To School For Me!

Tonight begins a summer full of school. I start my Spanish class tonight. Bueno! I'll take the second Spanish during the second Summer session, and I also plan to take my speech class then, too. If I pull it all off, I'll have 11 hours out of the way this summer, and that seems worth it to me! I'll be in class Monday through Thursday, and no break between sessions, but it's really okay with me. Class is from 6-8pm, so I still get to kick back for a bit after work, and I'll still have time to goof around before bed. (But not much time!) I'm just glad to be getting stuff out of the way!

No big news. It was a busy holiday weekend, but a good one. I'm really having a case of the "don't wannas" at work this week, but it's all good. I've been good and worked out like I should, so things are moving along there, too. :) I went to the doctor yesterday and still managed to get the weight lecture, but I'm doing something about it so I won't feel too badly. The hardest part is sticking with it, and I'm doing that!!

I really don't have much news at the moment. I hope everyone's day is wonderful!!

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