Wednesday, March 17, 2010


So Mom came over last night and we watched the movie "Precious". I hadn't seen it yet, and I thought it was really good. It's a heavy film to watch, but well worth it. Mo'Nique really did earn her award. I even thought Mariah Carey was good in her small role. Honestly, lots of impressive performances.

Today is St. Paddy's Day. No big drink fest for me. Just not that kind of girl I guess. One of the bar/restaurants by me is doing a big party with a live band which sounds fun in theory, but I know I'd be miserable in the big middle of it if I went. Not a big fan of large drunk crowds. I guess that's the 37 year old in me. Going to go to Grampa's with the parents instead for dinner.

Really, I have no other news. It's a slow day. I am working on a project at work that involves endless data entry of line items off of invoices for a hospital pricing study. This is a total beat-down. I think I am going to have to get out at lunch to get away from it! UGH!!

Be sure to wear green today or you might get pinched!!

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