Tuesday, May 09, 2006

1 Pound = 4 Sticks of Butter

So I cheated and got on the scale this morning and I am down a pound already! My mom and I always have fun joking about sticks of butter, because 4 sticks of butter is equal to one pound. So I have lost 4 sticks of butter!! Woo-hoo!

It's been a busy day so far, but not a bad day at all. I am looking forward to a good workout this afternoon at the gym after work. When I get home tonight I am going to have a hot bubble bath and relax and read my copy of Allure magazine that I have yet to even take the plastic off of. I love that magazine! :)

The best news of the day is that my Dad had an ECG and preliminary reports show that things look great! He had a stress test recently and they seemed to think they might detect a little damage, so I've been worried. Today is good news for my family! :) My Dad is awesome and I am glad to know that he'll be around for a while! (Yay Dad!)

So other than that, no real news. I am doing well with my WW stuff, so all is well. I am looking forward to my weigh-in on Sunday...I predict good things!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Ha ha ha Smartypants! It's not the butter that's the problem...it's the stuff I put butter ON! (damn carbs!)