Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Pointless and Silly

Saw this on another blog and thought it would be interesting to share:

7 Things I Plan to do Before I Die
1) Visit the Isle of Man (where my family is from)
2) Learn to play acoustic guitar
3) Be down to my ideal weight
4) Finish school
5) Own a BMW
6) Get good at Salsa dancing
7) Learn to walk gracefully in heels

7 Things I Can Do
1) Sing
2) Name all the states alphabetically
3) Tie a knot in a cherry stem with my tongue
4) I can multi-task like a pro
5) Make phenomenal chocolate chip cookies (mom's recipe-YUM!)
6) Make friends in any situation - I'm very outgoing!
7) Run for 2.5 minutes on the treadmill. Not a lot for most people, but an accomplishment for me right now!

7 Things I Cannot Do
1) Draw
2) Tolerate closed minded people
3) Say no to chocolate
4) Find my way around a foreign country...I seem to get lost a lot!
5) Pass by a MAC counter without stopping to look
6) Bunjee jump. I don't even want to try it!
7) Keep my plants alive. Those poor babies, I am bad luck for plants!

7 Things I Say Most Often
1) "Right on" or "Right"
2) "However"
3) "Perhaps"
4) "Fabulous!"
5) "Jacked up" (as in "that is so jacked up!")
6) "Whatever"
7) "Hello, friend!"

7 Celebrity Crushes
1) Adrian Brody
2) Johnathan Rhys-Myers
3) Benicio del Toro
4) Andersen Cooper
5) Jason Lewis
6) Trent Reznor
7) Joe Niewendyk

7 Things That Annoy Me
1) Slow drivers in the left lane
2) People who don't keep their promises
3) Constant lateness
4) Lack of consideration for others
5) Bad grammar/spelling
6) People who have to "keep up with the Joneses"
7) Bad service in restaurants

This was harder to do than I thought it would be!


Jessica said...

That is great! I just may have to copy this and put it on my blog!

tom said...

I have got you an Isle of Man right here.

Jennifer said...

Oh, you and I love our Aaron Brown and Tim Russert! (Something about intelligent men!)

And yes, John O'Hurley....he seems like the perfect gentleman, doesn't he?