Friday, September 23, 2005

A Prayer Request

I lost my Gran tonight. I feel a little lost and so oddly enough, this is what I chose to do. I need to write about her just a little.

She was a smart, independant woman. She traveled the world and saw things most of us could only hope to see in our lifetime. And she was warm and loving. Her last words were "I love you", and they were to me. I held her hand when she passed, and it was a peacful, beautiful moment. I am very lucky to have shared that with her.

So please, when you say your next prayers, thank God for his mercy. She isn't suffering any more.

I think I won't be blogging for a few days. I'll write again next week. Thank you to all of you who have kept my family in your thoughts for so long. I love you all.


Chuck In Pensacola said...

I am truly sorry for your loss. I don't know your gran, but I pray she is safe and comforted. I also pray that you have peace and comfort as well. Over the years you will remember how lucky you were to be told she loved you. It is a gift.

Kim said...

Oh honey. I am sorry. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Please call me if you need anything. Love you.

Blonde said...

I am so sorry for your loss.

I love my grandmother more then any human being on the planet, and I felt that was another connection you and I have. You always spoke fondly of her here.

My thoughts are with you at this time. Her last words being I LOVE YOU is the most beautiful parting gift she could have given you.

Jessica said...

Jenn I am so sorry that I missed you this morning! My heart aches for you and your family. You will be in our thoughts and prayers!!!!