Monday, September 12, 2005

Superfabulous Weekend!!

I hated for Monday come! I ended up having a really good weekend! Friday night, Joseph came over and we went out to a gay bar in Ft. Worth and had a really good time! I don't know what it is about me, but I attract gay men like some kind of magnet. (I got offers from a couple of them to plan lunch and a trip to Sephora together!) But the best part of the evening for me was finding the one straight guy there...he's one of the dancers and this guy is incredibly hot! So hot, in fact, that I kept wondering if it was too dark and maybe he wasn't getting a good look at me! But we talked for a long time and then he had to get back to work (I wasn't going to be tipping him), but he came back again later and we talked more and then we traded email addresses - I don't just throw my phone number around to every hot guy I talk to, you know! And when I left he gave me a really nice hug. :D So I figured he was being nice to the one girl in the whole place, but he's already emailed me twice and apparently we're going to set up a coffee date. (He now actually does have my number, so we'll see if he actually calls) But even if he doesn't call, it was fun just talking to him. He lived in Switzerland for a while so we traded Europe stories, and he says he wants to hear all about Paris. I'm trying not to get too hopeful, as my dating track record isn't so promising, but we'll just see how it goes! :)

So then I went to salsa class on Saturday, and Blonde, you are so right! That was more fun than I imagined it would be, and I am thinking this is going to be something I'll be doing for a while! It was more exercise than I thought, and when our instructors demonstrated some dancing at the end, that was the clincher for me...I really need to find a partner and get good at this!

I didn't do much after that on Saturday. I took a nice long nap and then went to my parents for the evening. They left on vacation Sunday morning and headed down to the beach house on the coast, so I wanted to make sure I got to see them before they left.

Sunday I went to see Gran, and she's doing about the same. We visited for a while, and then I had to head on because I had Weight Watchers at 2:30, where I had some VERY good news:

I've lost 75 pounds now!!!

Yes, I have managed to hit the 75 mark only a week after I hoped I would! My next goal is to hit the 100 pound mark by January 1st. I work out enough, I should be able to do it but as I have learned, my body is going to do things at it's own pace. But I am one happy girl!

After that, I had a bunch of things to do, and after I got all that done, I ran my last errand, which was to take a dryer over to Joseph. So I did that and then we had dinner and went for a nice long walk. He is really getting in very good shape and is now playing rugby for a local team. I can't wait to go to one of his games and watch him play!

So that was my weekend in a nutshell. Hope all of you had a good one, too. Happy Monday!


Anonymous said...

That's awesome!!! I don't even know you and I'm so proud of you!!!
I knew they had to exist, but where are gay bars in Ft Worth? I know of none...

Jennifer said...

Thanks, Daisyuke!! :) It's so nice of you to drop by and give me a pat on the back like that!

There is apparently just the one, and it's a place called Hot Shots. It's on Jennings Ave., and the outside is a little scary, but the inside is great and everyone there is so friendly!

Blonde said...

Congratulations on your loss! That is amazing and a fabulous accomplishment!You should be very proud of yourself.

I attract gay men to. They like to gravitate to the pretty and fabulous ;). It is the best compliment ever.

Glad that you are loving the Salsa!

Good luck with the dancer. Please keep us up to date here!

Blonde said...

Hello! I wish I met guys that hot. I am jealous and must get to TX to pick up men soon!