Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Me and My Sexy Finger!

Yeah, this whole finger injury thing? Not much fun at all! Today it's really not feeling very pleasant. Last night we changed the bandages on it and I had to look at it. It's gross!!! I kept having to sit down because looking at it was making me dizzy. And I can tolerate a lot of things! (Apparently not the sight of my own stitched up finger!) But it's sickening to look at. I am going to the doctor on Friday for follow up and a referral to a hand specialist if needed. Fun stuff!

Mom, Dad and Grampa and I went to church last night for the All Saints Day service. This is where we remember those we've lost over the last year, so we remembered my Gran. It was a beautiful service and the choir sang Faure's Requiem. (It was wonderful!)

Right now my finger is throbbing and now my head is starting to ache, too, so I am going to go find some Motrin. I can't take the hydrocodone here at work. Ugh!


Joseph said...


Jessica said...

I have no idea what joseph's comment means but it sure is funny!