Thursday, November 03, 2005

Nothing New

I don't have any big news. My finger hasn't rotted and fallen off yet, so that's good. It still looks pretty gross when the bandages are off, but I keep it covered and save the public from looking at my horrible disifgurement. I go to the doctor tomorrow so we'll see what he has to say.

I took it easy last night and laid low with the parents. Went to dinner and the grocery store, then cleaned the finger and went home to get a good night's sleep. The hydrocodone helps! (I only take 1/2 because that's strong stuff!

So anyhow, nothing new. I'll post tomorrow about what the doctor says.

Have a wonderful day! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yikes! for the finger.
three cheers for 2.5 more to go!
that's AWESOME!!!