Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Healthy Choices

So today I am scheduled for 20 minutes of walking according to my training schedule. So I am doing that this evening. I am also going to the SET class at the gym tonight, so I am going to use the walking as a warm-up. The SET class (Strength and Endurance Training) is a real killer, and will be good for strengthening my core. It's the class I was doing but haven't been in a few weeks. My SIL was teaching, but she does so many classes that it was just too much for her so she had to give it up. However, I still need it, so I am going. :) My body will surely be sore tomorrow!

Also tonight? Biggest Loser starts up again! I loved last season's cast so I hope these people are as wonderful and engaging. There are some folks with WAY more to lose than me, so it will be interesting to see what they go through on their journey. Besides, I am a big fan of Bob and Jillian!

So while I stayed within my points for yesterday, it is only because I have my extra WW points for the week. Today I am doing better. I ate a grapefruit for breakfast and have snacked on clementines throughout the morning. I have the munchies and I don't know why, but I am armed with lots of fruit, and I brought a healthy lunch today. And I have been journaling what I have eaten so it's all snapping back into place just as it should. In two week, I have to get back to my early workouts because school begins again. I like school, so I am looking forward to it. I need to go pick up a new notebook and calendar after work. (I love shopping for school supplies!) I got two of my textbooks in the mail yesterday...very exciting! I use a site called chegg.com and I rent my textbooks for a fraction of the cost! Seriously, big money saver!! It is costing my only half of what I would have spent otherwise, so it's a great deal! At the end of the semester, I just ship the books back and then order what I need for the following semester. Loves it!

So I guess that's about it. I have plenty to do here in the office this morning, so I suppose I ought to get to it. Happy Tuesday! :)


Kim said...

What gym are you a member of? Just curious... The classes offered at gyms are definitely the most appealing thing to me... what great variety!

Jennifer said...

Hey girl! I go to 24 Hour Fitness. They have a HUGE variety of classes offered at convenient times, and I am finally not so nervous to participate. I am usually the one in the class having to modify to my own abilities, (still building endurance and flexibility!) but it's great and I really am starting to enjoy them more. Definitely worth looking into when the time is right!! :)